Originally posted by Q.C.Pak:There was this guy,Tom, who really loved his girlfriend. He loved her so much that he wanted to tattoo her name,"Wendy" on his dick. So he went to his friend who specializes in tattooing.
His friend then suggested doing the tattoo while his dick is erected so that the name can be tattooed bigger and clearer. Tom agreed and went to erect his dick and had "Wendy" tattooed on it. He was very satisfied, there was a "Wy" on his dick when not erected and he dreamt of surprising his girlfriend by showing her the change from "Wy" to "Wendy" when he gets hard.
So he called her quickly and arranged a meeting that evening. Before their date, he went to the toilet to piss and there he met this American with a "Wy" on his dick too, when he was pissing at the urinal.
Thinking that this American might have tattooed his girlfriend's name too, Tom confronted him. The American denied, saying that it is not Tom's girlfriend's name.
Tom wouldn't accept verbal denial and suggested erecting both their dicks to compare. The American agreed and they both started arousing themselves. Tom was first to erect and was proud to show the American, saying," Look, this is my girlfriend's name, Wendy."
The American soon erected his dick and showed to Tom and said," Look, it is not your girlfriend's name." It said," Welcome to America and have a nice day".
You don't get it do you?
1) This isn't a comparison on how many jokes you enjoyed by putting a smiley or how many jokes you have simply put down by telling the another TS it was already posted before.
I don't care how you are trying to tell me how you balance off with smileys compared to the phrase "posted before".
I am simply commenting on how inappropriate it is to tell someone a joke has been posted before.
Killing one person and saving another doesn't make u less of a murderer.<---exaggerated analogy
2) When i say you are not the first forumner to be called eagle, i don't mean sgforums ALONE. I'm sure you are bigger(not literally) than sgforums to understand why I said that, hopefully.
And fyi, in no way is it a favour, or any other positive result that telling someone his/her joke is posted before.
Everything else you said was just being irrelevant and just adding bulk to what seems like your intense concentration on putting me down as someone who is immature and "dumb".
Whats up with the name calling anyway? Are you really that eager to put someone down in your little way that really makes u nothing less than of a retard?, imo.
With regards to the EQ level, lets put it this way. Your EQ isn't higher than mine thats why you can't seem to understand why that is inappropriate. Don't challenge my deductions. Afterall, you can't prove yours too.
Reminder: i did not say Posted before was NOT ALLOWED. i'm not anyone who have the rights to control another human being, or at least his/her virtual account. What im doing is telling u that its inappropriate.
yes, you are telling or rather, just informing someone. But that doesn't mean it has no meaning/emotions attached to it, regardless of whether u meant it intentionally or not. Analogy wise, you can go figure one out yourself.
I'm done with this. If you wish to continue and prove to me you might actually be a kid mentally, PM me.
Originally posted by lookslikegod:I am simply commenting on how inappropriate it is to tell someone a joke has been posted before.
i do think it is appropriate to inform the TS that it is posted before.
there's no harm in doing so.
anw, if you think its not appropriate, then just read the joke only and skip the comments that follows lor.
Originally posted by xstryker:i do think it is appropriate to inform the TS that it is posted before.
there's no harm in doing so.
anw, if you think its not appropriate, then just read the joke only and skip the comments that follows lor.
he's just an emo kid who can't accept that he has posted rubbish
Originally posted by lookslikegod:You don't get it do you?
1) This isn't a comparison on how many jokes you enjoyed by putting a smiley or how many jokes you have simply put down by telling the another TS it was already posted before.
I don't care how you are trying to tell me how you balance off with smileys compared to the phrase "posted before".
I am simply commenting on how inappropriate it is to tell someone a joke has been posted before.
Killing one person and saving another doesn't make u less of a murderer.<---exaggerated analogy
2) When i say you are not the first forumner to be called eagle, i don't mean sgforums ALONE. I'm sure you are bigger(not literally) than sgforums to understand why I said that, hopefully.
And fyi, in no way is it a favour, or any other positive result that telling someone his/her joke is posted before.
Everything else you said was just being irrelevant and just adding bulk to what seems like your intense concentration on putting me down as someone who is immature and "dumb".
Whats up with the name calling anyway? Are you really that eager to put someone down in your little way that really makes u nothing less than of a retard?, imo.
With regards to the EQ level, lets put it this way. Your EQ isn't higher than mine thats why you can't seem to understand why that is inappropriate. Don't challenge my deductions. Afterall, you can't prove yours too.
Reminder: i did not say Posted before was NOT ALLOWED. i'm not anyone who have the rights to control another human being, or at least his/her virtual account. What im doing is telling u that its inappropriate.
yes, you are telling or rather, just informing someone. But that doesn't mean it has no meaning/emotions attached to it, regardless of whether u meant it intentionally or not. Analogy wise, you can go figure one out yourself.
I'm done with this. If you wish to continue and prove to me you might actually be a kid mentally, PM me.
Yawns, you just do not get it. Dumbest part of all:
yes, you are telling or rather, just informing someone. But that doesn't mean it has no meaning/emotions attached to it, regardless of whether u meant it intentionally or not. Analogy wise, you can go figure one out yourself.
Since when is informing linked with being rude.
You are already dragging things away, including dragging away from sgforums itself. Well, can't expect a retard like to truly appreciate what I have written anyway. Nor can I expect you to really keep to context. In addition, I still see no link between saying eagle is not the first nick to be used in forums, and posting "posted before" in this joke thread. Talk more about irrelevance?
And fyi, in no way is it a favour, or any other positive result that telling someone his/her joke is posted before.
With regards to the EQ level, lets put it this way. Your EQ isn't higher than mine thats why you can't seem to understand why that is inappropriate. Don't challenge my deductions. Afterall, you can't prove yours too.
Do read back on xstryker's comments about being appropriate to inform that it is posted before.
Seriously, only a low EQ like you can be so bothered and flustered and affected emotionally by someone else posting "posted before" in a joke that wasn't even posted by you.
Do go on and prove yourself dumber. It adds to the joke. Really
Originally posted by lookslikegod:You don't get it do you?
1) This isn't a comparison on how many jokes you enjoyed by putting a smiley or how many jokes you have simply put down by telling the another TS it was already posted before.
I don't care how you are trying to tell me how you balance off with smileys compared to the phrase "posted before".
I am simply commenting on how inappropriate it is to tell someone a joke has been posted before.
Killing one person and saving another doesn't make u less of a murderer.<---exaggerated analogy
2) When i say you are not the first forumner to be called eagle, i don't mean sgforums ALONE. I'm sure you are bigger(not literally) than sgforums to understand why I said that, hopefully.
And fyi, in no way is it a favour, or any other positive result that telling someone his/her joke is posted before.
Everything else you said was just being irrelevant and just adding bulk to what seems like your intense concentration on putting me down as someone who is immature and "dumb".
Whats up with the name calling anyway? Are you really that eager to put someone down in your little way that really makes u nothing less than of a retard?, imo.
With regards to the EQ level, lets put it this way. Your EQ isn't higher than mine thats why you can't seem to understand why that is inappropriate. Don't challenge my deductions. Afterall, you can't prove yours too.
Reminder: i did not say Posted before was NOT ALLOWED. i'm not anyone who have the rights to control another human being, or at least his/her virtual account. What im doing is telling u that its inappropriate.
yes, you are telling or rather, just informing someone. But that doesn't mean it has no meaning/emotions attached to it, regardless of whether u meant it intentionally or not. Analogy wise, you can go figure one out yourself.
I'm done with this. If you wish to continue and prove to me you might actually be a kid mentally, PM me.
I don't see anything wrong with posting "posted before" as well.
What's wrong?
Originally posted by skythewood:I think i had a similar conversation in another thread… and the outcome was very short and sweet.
so…. posted before le…..
that's because we didn't even give a hoot about it
This emo kid cared so much
Originally posted by eagle:that's because we didn't even give a hoot about it
This emo kid cared so much
no no... this is part of his joke.
in this forum, everything is like a joke...
Originally posted by skythewood:no no... this is part of his joke.
in this forum, everything is like a joke...
that's indeed something new not posted before
Personally, there's nothing wrong with "Posted before".
But too much of "Posted before" is a bit demoralising to the person posting it. A thank you or something after that may make it better though. More encouraging.
My 2 cents :)
Let's see it the other way
You clicked on the thread expecting a nice new joke, and out pops one that you have read before. You exit the thread, click on the next joke thread, and out pops one again that you have read before. Let this happen a few more times.
How would you feel? In fact, most of TS's jokes have been posted before right here at jokes forums.
It's not possible to say: "You read it before, then don't need to read". Because until you finish reading it, you won't know you read it before.
Anyway, I would say "Posted before" is merely another form of expressing your opinions about the joke that is posted, just like smileys. Be it encouraging or not, it's still feedback to the joke poster.
chill man guys
No point arguing, sgforum itself is a joke, those old birds just back each other's up when someone starts to flame/preach them. This forum (the sgforum) have been going downhill and don't ask me why I said that, look around and you will know why.
Why do I still surf this forum when I say it is a joke? Well, because it is a joke that's why.
Originally posted by furb:No point arguing, sgforum itself is a joke, those old birds just back each other's up when someone starts to flame/preach them. This forum (the sgforum) have been going downhill and don't ask me why I said that, look around and you will know why.
Why do I still surf this forum when I say it is a joke? Well, because it is a joke that's why.
Typical loser mentality