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Hi , i need help for the removal of my sister's picture someone uploaded on sggirls.
who do i contact for this?
It is an infringement of property rights as the user pulled it from her facebook account.
when users upload images on facebook, the agreement formed was only between facebook and the user.
it is not ok to pull images off facebook and upload it like that without asking the owner of the photograph.
And such actions are disrespectful to others, as victims might not wish to be associated with .
I have reported the picture on the website,yet the picture has not been taken down as per request.
i have contacted the uploader.The uploader has not responded or complied with my request .And my family is considering taking legal actions against the uploader.
u post the pic here then we decide whether worthwile the removal
If its not ok to pull images off facebook, then the owner shouldn't put it up on facebook in the first place, or put a privacy control on it, so it is not full public accessible.
Here, read this:
Facebook had the feature, but if the owner didn't use it, whose side would the law side with?
Accessible yes, but you might want to read up on property rights. Which i have.
And consulted a family friend who studied law.
i understand that it is legal for people to view what you put on facebook. or download them.
but republishing someone else's property elsewhere without their consent would be an infringement.
you could record a tv programme,no one would know,or prosecute you.However if you publish it somewhere without permission from the owner of the license. That's where the problem arises.
Under singapore's intellecual property act,
Legal issues aside,
Do you think it is respectful to the victim ?
lets say,if you have a sibling,and her picture ends up in sggirls,wher ethe uploader is trying to trade contacts ,exploiting your loved ones.
don't you find it disgusting?
Besides,i did give a time-frame for the uploader and sggirls moderators to remove the content.
i took appropriate action and it was proven ineffective. it's been over 2 days.
i tried the contact form,reporting abuse,contacting the uploader.
What if the sggirls website server is not situated in singapore?
What if the uploader isn't in singapore, nor lives in singapore?
We know for certain Facebook is not.
How would the Singapore intellectual property act be put in effect, with respective to the above?
i understand sggirls is hosted in the UK. however,the content was produced in singapore,by a singapore citizen. therefore,the content is protected under local guidelines.
however,even if the case is minimal. The owner,has the rights to request for its removal from the site. And yes,the owner wants it taken off sggirls,as she does not want to be associated with the website.
Legally speaking, once a picture is uploaded on to fb, it becomes the copyrighted material of fb. NOT the user. So whatever pictures you share on fb are no longer under your copyright. But yes, it is a fact that your pictures cannot be misused by fb or others without an explicit written permission from you.
And regardless of that, sggirls must respond and remove the picture based on your request as it is indeed an outrage of modesty and one that is not authorised or supported by the user in anyway. The only way is to get in contact with sggirls and have it removed. Waiting for 2 days is not sufficient I am afraid. I would expect 2 weeks for any action to be taken.
I know this is an old thread. But I hope you had resolved the issue.
shay lor