BJ failed in the most important aspect of taxi driving yes? The same thing I told my junior in the force: the most important thing about patrolling is? To be able to return from patrolling, not return in a box or warded in hospital, get injured.
But I dont blame BJ, perhaps as he said this was karma or fated. I also more likely belive his story that he did not to provoke the farker. Rather the farker had some bias, frustration and anger and took it out on BJ. He would hv probably taken it out on another driver as well.
But it still count as as failure on BJ part that he did not foresee or expect this, and/or was too shocked to respond normally. He must learn from this and others must learn from his experience as well.
I cant imagine the shock and worry his wife had when she heard the news and saw his condition, or his children too.
Now it's done and cant be undone, this was not a lesson that needed to be learnt, nobody needs to kena whack to learn from this. This was a criminal act pure and simple, but not a very serious one under the law.
Now he needs to try and get justice. We hope he can get it, but because the assailant's identity is still unknown, there remains a chance he might escape, and that is something Bj has to got to accept it and move on.
Even if he escapes the law for this,I'm sure Bj who believes in karma, even myself who's catholic know that the heaven's aint blind. He might escape this but I'm sure he'll get his just desserts in another form maybe even worse.
Originally posted by Ken@kofishop:Wah, I forgot RBS70 missile system very portable one,,,thread redeployed here bo gong… finally found this redeployment site hahaha…
Hahaha, pai seh, got to mention your nick a few time.......
Bo pian, that day in toilet nothing to do, open forum saw you put that nick.......
can tell you, I was ultra shock, never expect is him, really........
Originally posted by JoeRaj:BJ failed in the most important aspect of taxi driving yes? The same thing I told my junior in the force: the most important thing about patrolling is? To be able to return from patrolling, not return in a box or warded in hospital, get injured.
But I dont blame BJ, perhaps as he said this was karma or fated. I also more likely belive his story that he did not to provoke the farker. Rather the farker had some bias, frustration and anger and took it out on BJ. He would hv probably taken it out on another driver as well.
But it still count as as failure on BJ part that he did not foresee or expect this, and/or was too shocked to respond normally. He must learn from this and others must learn from his experience as well.
I cant imagine the shock and worry his wife had when she heard the news and saw his condition, or his children too.
Now it's done and cant be undone, this was not a lesson that needed to be learnt, nobody needs to kena whack to learn from this. This was a criminal act pure and simple, but not a very serious one under the law.
Now he needs to try and get justice. We hope he can get it, but because the assailant's identity is still unknown, there remains a chance he might escape, and that is something Bj has to got to accept it and move on.
Even if he escapes the law for this,I'm sure Bj who believes in karma, even myself who's catholic know that the heaven's aint blind. He might escape this but I'm sure he'll get his just desserts in another form maybe even worse.
No doubt I believe that he is in ultra shock, he might not be a good fighter after all.......
The agenda set up by their chief is totally wrong.......
Let's separate forum and real incident apart.......
Poolman started a thread, straight away rant on the racist matter, hiding the identity of the victim who are actually a member in forum.........
he claim that is his style, without aproval from horse mouth he just address as junior or senior........
knn, that mean he act according to his agenda which is anti racist comment.......
at least for me, I took it that way.......
We humans will always stereotype and also some form of bias. It's in our nature, eg: we are more likely to side a friend in argument even if he's wrong. Or even if we cant side him, we will gently point him the correct way. As opposed to strangers, that one we demand right from wrong.
The police also hv to stereotype certain groups byw ay of dressing, the area etc. Who police will stop: a guy in long sleeve in Shenton Way or a Mat in jeans in CCK?
Even the Govt stereotypes: for ppl like us taxi drivers, their support will not be as great as with say a businessman who invests. Or even label all those who raise issues against them as noisemakers, we hv seen this.
So even we taxi drivers hv to stereotype some form of pax and the areas they are in.
Of course because of the bad names and actions of some FT Indians, we aren't keen to pick them up.
And local Indians, th rowdy types that go to bars, pubs, discos too, these we shy away because unfortunately some of them behave badly and give a bad name to all.
For Pinoys, they start chattering non stop, sometimes we also get headache.
For Banglas/ Tamil work permit holders, we avoid because of the smell.
For Malays youngsters, we avoid sometimes because they chao cab or like happen to some, robbery, so we are cautious.
For local Chinese women, we hv to be careful because they like to complain one, especially the educated ones (the same with educated Indian gals). I think generally the most likely complainants are local Chinese women in their late 20s to 30s.
For foreign Chinese because they very yaya one and just because this is Singapore not China (where they very scared of authorities), they go wilder here.
For Ang Mor, when drunk they can be a handful and if you dont follow their way, they cant be violent. You sometimes hv to put up with their monkey behaviour.
An Indian FT woman once summed up the races body odour funnily, when she mentioned this to me:
For Chinese, more likely - bad breath
For Inidan - body odour
For Ang Mor - a kind of cheesy smell because they pespire in out hot climate alot and arent used to taking many showers!
I laughed when she told me, but in a way it's true.
So you see no matter what, we will stereotype, not that we are racists, we just want to find a fare that gives us the least hassle. But in the end, there's no way we can avoid all these type people all the time, like that how to drive cab and earn.
But sometimes, we prioritise and decide at that moment which ones we prepared to accept or not.
In the end, it's up to us. The best is we hv thick skin, everything also we take, because in the end as someone put it, the most important thing is that they pay, better a show off Indian FT farker paying the full fare than the Govt traffic warden taking our cash.
What's make him to change topic heading today only he himself know........
of course he had to tag on to his good buddy ct2220 in order to 下�.........
frankly speaking, not really interested on why cabby kanna bashed whereas I'm more interested to know is what will be the outcome after the whole incident which you have explain clearly liao........
subsequently my thought are just too bias toward bj, after knowing is him........
what a beautiful world........
Originally posted by Rbs70:What's make him to change topic heading today only he himself know........
of course he had to tag on to his good buddy ct2220 in order to 下�.........
frankly speaking, not really interested on why cabby kanna bashed whereas I'm more interested to know is what will be the outcome after the whole incident which you have explain clearly liao........
subsequently my thought are just too bias toward bj, after knowing is him........
what a beautiful world........
"subsequently my thought are just too bias toward bj, after knowing is him..."
bro rbs... u know him ?
dun know want to congratulate u or console u....
So am i wrong to say he is one hell of an Indian bastard Son of the bitch ?
Internet Security can come at me , no problem .
I will be glad if they are doing their job .
I will be even glad if they investigate further ...... until that bastard get caught .
I welcome them , anytime .
then why change your thread topic ?
Ti-Kee (Iron Teeth)... bo eng one....
If u think u are above Law, then good luck to u.....
thks to rbs70,
now the other side (next door) can only read..... but cannot edit what is posted in here.
I didn't want to initial the thread is becos I promised Andrew (Angwk7118) not to comment further in TD forums.
But since the discussion is inside our own courtyards, then who is the hell to ask the contents to be edited.... u think Fireice will care ?
since when ur both become so good bros...一唱一和..
remind me of qian yi feng....
she jiak bah ani eng go whach the td?
Originally posted by Red5xx:since when ur both become so good bros...一唱一和..
Originally posted by Red5xx:remind me of qian yi feng....
she jiak bah ani eng go whach the td?
She is a.... �三点
everybody knows about it.....
Bro JoeRaj, u dun have to self imposed "non-posting" again....
U are always welcome in here to give us your opinions.... which we valued.
Originally posted by Red5xx:since when ur both become so good bros...一唱一和..
U never hear ....
"The enemy of your enemy is your friend" ?
Originally posted by Rbs70:Hahaha, pai seh, got to mention your nick a few time.......
Bo pian, that day in toilet nothing to do, open forum saw you put that nick.......
can tell you, I was ultra shock, never expect is him, really........
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:
yes bro ken... u can come post here also.... ** confirmed no edition of post contributions as we want to be as original as possible and have a true, neutral forum discussion.
** but this cannot be said if BJ tries to be funny.
Originally posted by Ken@kofishop:
noted thks....I see got limo cock to talk...haha
yes.... pls share ... we love to tcss.
i am a fair guy , i changed this thread name becos i was reminded fairly enough , this is ct22220's initial thread name .....
Given to any tom dick and harry , i can change thread name with a click .
It was ct2220 thread .
i do not need to chute such stunts on ct2220 , as in 借刀�人 .
ct2220 dun deserve such an unfair treatment from me .
I remain there is no intent on racist .
He was an indian bastard , proven race indian , barbaric moron .
He is a disgrace , sia suay to all Indians .
He is an INDIAN ....... he is a disgrace to INDIANS .
A No S , with a S .
If i am convicted a racist , i dun think anyone here good enough to judge me .
I let the authority deal with me .
They will read from head to toes , there is no racist involve .
Culprit is an Indian ........ proven Indian .
Barbaric act ..... bastard . Assault and now scott free .
I have no intent to post here .... cos i thought it was in cabby forum .
Since i am here , hello everyone .
Honestly I am not bothered by the title thread. Is Poolman racist for posting that? I think not. Is it racist (the title)? I also don't really think so and as said I'm not offended by it. But I think it was stupid to label it as such and can easily be construed wrongly or bring unwanted attention.
But what I'm offended is the lack of respect and double standards shown. Mods can post such things, use such strong words, no delete, People post something small and point out their errors, that 1 delete or edit. This shows a total lack of respect for people's views, only for your own and your friends, which should not be the case for a public forum.
Make wild statements and rush to judgment, condemn the police and judiciary but dont know how the Law works, that one can? Isn't it childish? Made without reason or logic. Things you don't know don't act smart and accept criticism which is offered constructively. Maybe taxi driving techniques I lose to you, but Law, while I am not an expert, I can safely say I know how things work, not all but certain cases.
Don't give false advice based on your own understanding which has no basis except on hearsay and what you read in the papers. Want to comment on such things and give advise, at least make it a point to know how it works, not jump to your own conslusion and claim it to be facts.
As I said I dont think it was racist and didnt offend me, but I can see how this will offend some others (other Indians) or how it will attract the wrong kind attention for the forum.
Really need to use vulgar language to highlight your point? How does it help your friend's case? Instead of helping it can attract the wrong attention as I said, here got 1 former MP or maybe some public read it and highlight to some big shot. For waht you want stir the hornets nest.
This is the real stir, not what RBs, me or others post. This is the kind of stupid posting that makes everyone think taxi drivers all 1 kind, racist, rude and yaya papaya. Post like this helps BJ? I don't think so.
Will ISD bother, I doubt so, but more importantly things like this may get LTA irritated and 1 fine day, you may suddenly find yourself in their radar. They catch you alone never mind, you can answer for your actions, but if they target LV or some others esp your own friends?
Wanna help this is not the way. Put the forum in a bad light. In 1 thread your actions was actually worse than some of the posts that were deleted or edited.
Practise what you preach, treat and respect others comments, people only criticise your actions in the forum not on you personally. You are doing a good job helping others but think before you post or use your moderator powers. It has to be fair and seen to be fair.
2 wrongs can never make a right. What that fucker did was wrong but how you went about it was also wrong and not helpful or beneficial, either to the victim and to the forum as a whole.