Let me transfer this thread over here.........
I believe mod here will do a better job.........
Until the case is solve, let's hear all the good and bad points.........
Bro JoeRaj post this, let's start from here.........
I think post here better than next door. Everything also edit.
Certain ppl can do certain things but others cannot. Become like LV forum or personal forum.
This thread is a classic example why I have stayed away. It seems this forum has changed. Every thing also edit, everything also close thread, but if certain ppl do or say some things can one.
This goes to both Poolman and Ang, as moderators. Is this LV forum, a Poolman forum or is it an sgforum?
We are all adults here, like what RBS said forum is to exchange idea and opinion not to encourage havoc. But it seems some ppl can encourage havoc and post certain things but others can't.
Pls la we are all adults here, not just young adults but some of us are already in our 40s and 50s, maybe even 60s. Adults can and should speak their mind, even if it upsets 1 or 2 ppl, so be it, provided the person giving is prepared to receive. As long it doesn't insult a race, religion or encourage hate and violence, it should be fair game.
As adults we can judge whether what 1 says got lieu or not. A forum should be left untouched as much as possible, not just in support of some people or groups who can say what they like, but when they get answered back, the thread is quickly edited or closed.
Remember when you left this forum because of Fireice's constant meddling? It seems that now the very things that you didn't like her doing, you and Ang are doing. Just because she doesn't come and intervene anymore, desn't mean you have a license to post inflammatory things, which she definitely would have intervened for in the past.
If she had her way, this thread would have been closed long time ago. In fact if somebody else posted a thread like this, I think you or Ang would have closed it, very quickly. Why the double standards? Think about it.
This what I posted? Was I stirring or just stating my own opinion? Do I have right to offer my opinion on a public forum?
If Poolman think I stirring by all means reply to my post and rebut me, but don't edit anyhow and treat like a fool or small kid.
People who don't know the law or how things work, pl la don't anyhow talk cock and link unrelated things to the matter at hand.
Just because a cabby is assaulted, and say the police can't or don't do anything. Do you think can carry baseball bat and use that to hammer people? Go and try la, next time somebody assault you or your friend and you use a weapon and claim self defense.
Just because justice is slow to catch up for your case, can you take the law into your own hands?
And then the talk cock story abt ang mo woman knocking down a Korean and her child which resulted in death and the ang mo was found not guilty, what has that got to do with BJ case? What has that got to do with justice or miscarriage of justice? And the judge go down to the scene some more means the judge is trying to help an an Ang Moh and won't do the same for Singaporeans?
Did you read the full facts of the case or just the newspapers abt it? Pls la, this is like a child's argument. Perhaps the defense lawyer raised the issue and asked the judge to go down? Or the judge used his own initiative, which is good isn't it?
I once attended a fatal accident, a rich local student studying Australia knocked down and killed a Bangla in Seranggon Road. He also act yaya a bit and can't remember whether he got drink or not, I think he did. Anyway he claim Bangla dash across and he couldn't stop. I arrested him and told him, I will make sure he pays for it.
Then sometime later TP IO called me up. We had a friendly chat because fellow officers, but he said he cannot prove the driver's version is wrong. No independent witness came forward and the facts seem to indicate the bangla did dash suddenly without looking. Even the drink driving couldnt prove because % was too low for it. He could only summon the driver for careless driving at best.
So does this prove the law is fucked up? Is the law favouring the rich guy? Of course not, the law is fair to everyone. It's up to the police and prosecution to prove their case without reasonable doubt. The defense only has show that there is such doubt.
Maybe the Ang Mor woman was right, it was dark and at a corner ( I remember that case and the location). Maybe she really never see as it was dark the korean child unfortunately stood on the road. It's up to the prosecution to prove otherwise and they couldn't and she got away. Is this an injustice? No it was an accident, not that the Ang Mor woman was looking to hit and kill somebody.
But to our Poolman this is injustice and shows the poor standard of the law, that it only sides with foreigners. Pls la, you tell this to some 10-12 year old they will believe but some of us can think.
Ya we know this happened to your friend and you're upset and sympathetic, fair enough, who wouldn't if it happened to us. If my friend kena bashed up, I also would be angry and demand justice or some of form of payback, but the law is the law.
The police can only operate under the Law. Assault with fists is a non-seizable offence, it is passed by Parliament (in fact this is part of the laws the British gave to us which we still use). It isn't the first time and unfortunately won't be the last time it happens.
But you go spouting rubbish etc etc, did you do the same when it happened to other cabbies? Plus I think BJ driving comfort, if this happened to another CDG driver unknown to you, would you be making such comments in support?
Yes you do a good job helping newbies and sharing experience, but everything has a 2 way street. You're not a master taxi driver and when some of the things you say is wrong, be a man and admit it. Just because newbies etc praise you don't make you invincible.
Yes many have benefitted from you and your help is genuine, that is good and you deserve praise for it, but you also gotta let things happen and some newbies learn the hard way or somethings for themselves. This is what is called expereince and it's the best teacher still.
As you grow older and hopefully wiser learn to understand how things work here, and accept certain things the way it is, not go round making wild claims how powerful the forum is or show whatever you say is right, when certain things happen.
You are only 1 taxi driver among 25000 or so, maybe you're better than most and know how to survive, good for you and I hope it continues, but don't get too bigheaded.
Remember all it takes is for some big shot in LTA to say, you must stopped and that's it. Can you fight an organisation as big as LTA. Can you guarantee they can never find fault with you? Remember the tiger only needs to get it right once while you must be 100% everytime.
You expect others to behave in a certain way in the forum and give respect. I think respect is a 2 way street.
Ok enough of that. Now for BJ whether he wants to follow or not, it's up to him.
Firstly, I am very sorry to hear of your ordeal, this is something I won't wish on any taxi driver, whether it's you or anyone else. I hope you can learn a few things from this sad affair and be better prepared next time, if something similar threatens you.
Before I go on, I think it also fair that I relate to your conduct here (my own opinion) and the incident. But let me say, both are different issues, what happens here has nothing to do with that.
You say you're a Buddhist, good for you and wish you well for it. May you find the peaceful karma that Buddhism espouces. But let me also say, I think you must also look back at some of the things you have posted here over the months and accept that you perhaps did not act in the best Buddhist spirit.
There is no harm in apologising to anyone here if you hurt their feelings or made some crude remarks. And if some did that you, accpet it and forgive them also. You're 56, I didn't realise that until I read the papers.
But some of the things you posted (no I'm not gonna be bothered to pore thru your past posts) looked like the posts of a 30 something not an 50 + man which much worldly experience. You sound like an internet warrior sometimes or take things far too personally. Is it really necesarry to highlight replies in colour to buttress your case?
Your tone also seem to indicate you're an expert not a newbie, that you already know so many things. You also resort to name calling. Hand on heart, ask yourself is this what a good Buddhist would do?
And because of this some have taken a dislike of you and when this happened they were rubbing their hands in glee or at the very least, suggesting that you deserve it. I am not saying what they did is correct, but won't you accept this as normal human behaviour? Can you be bigger than them and raise your hands and say, look I know we've had our differences and maybe I pissed you off and you me, but we settle this and go back to the start?
Can you sympathise or emphatise with me as a fellow driver, and not rush to judgement? I am 100% sure if you did that, they too would carry their hands and say sorry. It doesn't matter who does it first. But you shouldn't fire back the way you did.
When you have the moral high ground, stick to it and be quiet abt it, it speaks far more than rebutting. You are older than me, and know some things more than me, but also accept that I may know some things better than you.
As for your case, I am sure you've had many advise and have taken some action. Here's a bit more for you to consider:
This as you know is Sec 323 (simple assault). It's a non seizable offence and police CANNOT arrest without a warrant issued by the court.
So don't get your hopes up, when Poolman said got police car with flashing lights at Chin Chwee, they are not there to arrest your man.
The most important thing I think now for you, is to liase with your IO (I think from Clementi Stn right). Ask him what should you do if the assailant is spotted by you. (Pls do not listen to what others say or ask someone else to detain him, if they spot someone like him in the area). The most they should do is follow and observe him and wait for you to arrive to confirm it.
I think the IO will advise you, to call for the police, wait for them to arrive and ascertain his particulars. Unless of course the IO has issued a warrant of arrest (thru the court) then they will arrest him. If not they will let him go and some other day the IO will issue him a letter to attend Clementi for a statement.
In 323 cases, sometimes the police may act on their own and investigate without a court, sometimes they wait for the order and sometimes, they don't do anything at all. That's what the magistrate told you about civil suit. You have to file a suit at the civil registry and the police will provide the details to the registry. You then engage a lawyer to sue him for damages.
However I think you did the right thing in getting the press involved, usually for such cases of public interest they will investigate anyway and take action. But don't forget this is a 2 sided thing, even with your injuries and medical report, the assailant might give a different version, they or the AG chambers might decline to proceed further. Then you have to sue him own your own.
But as said, I think they will take action if they can locate him. If they do don't worry, if he's found guilty this 100% got jail term. You can also sue for damages. Or he might offer you money to drop the case, then you gotta decide if you agree with it.
The next step if not done, is to liase with CDG. Go down, speak to a DRO and ask them to assist you. That's a good thing about CDG, in such cases having a big co behind you is beneficial.
See what assistance they can offer. Maybe you ask the DRO check their data to see if any Indian man has booked a cab from Coleman street to Chin Chwee before. I dunno if they will do this or release the details to you, but they might do so and supply it to the police and maybe the police can get a picture of him thru NRO and ask you to come down to verify if it's your assailant.
But as said the most important thing is to check with your IO, how are they gonna verify his identity, maybe if Coleman Street where you picked up got camera, then perhaps the IO can retrieve it. Similarly also check at North Buona Vista exit if got camera, and asked the IO to view it from TP or LTA to get his snapshot.
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:Wah bro Rbs70, u acted very fast hor… Need me to post his cb kam pak face here? Haha.
No la, pancan him one la. He already kena, no need for us to rub it in.
Did u realised something ?
the heading of their topic (next door) from Bastard SOB xxxxx become a more civilised and sensible topic....
what makes them changed the topic ?
must have received complaints from the Sgforums Admin lah....
This is to let them know that Sgforums is for everyone.... not just Lakeview.
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:Did u realised something ?
the heading of their topic (next door) from Bastard SOB xxxxx become a more civilised and sensible topic....
what makes them changed the topic ?
must have received complaints from the Sgforums Admin lah....
This is to let them know that Sgforums is for everyone.... not just Lakeview.
Or maybe like certain ppl, I can claim credit for the change?
Originally posted by JoeRaj:Or maybe like certain ppl, I can claim credit for the change?
All the while when they 1st started with racist topic, I was against it.....
not only that the thread starter may get implications from the law if somebody do make a formal complaint..... but also, not to bash the whole community just becos of 1 fellow.
I assumed they have finally "wake-up", but I reckoned Sgforums Admin is doing the right thing.
U think they will change the topic automatically ? I really doubt so.
That's why I mentioned, Poolman forgets his place or awareness. To be older and wiser.
Keep doing this kind of posts or raisng certain kinds of actions or encouraging by way of posts, can easily attract the wrong kind of action.
I know for a fact 1 former PAP MP is active in these forums. Imagine if he saw that and sent it to his former colleagues still active? Or if an LTA big shot saw it, or even as you say someone made a police report or make this viral on FB?
You think they cannot do something or wont? He is even jeopardising LV. Paints LV in a bad way, as if all their memebers act in such a way. Each choose pax, don't way long distance job, condemn certain races, to ignore all outside CBD.
What if a Dy Director (no need for higher) in LTA called the enforcement section and said, stop this nonsense. I don't want this man to drive taxi anymore, then LTA go on a mission against him and in doing so also targets LV. May be he escape, his luck shine, but what if somebody else kena. You know how enforcement works, cannot catch dog, catch cat, that also cannot go after tikus.
For a start all they have to do is inform Premier, to submit a list of his daily trips and from there they can work out. That's why I say be humble, can post sometimes a bit spicy but must tone down sometimes. Don't make the heat shine on you. Let it cold first then you can heat a bit before go cold again.
Like that LTA not interested one. So far he's lucky LTA got no time for this forum, despite what he says, that LTA all know about this forum. They might know but so far not interested enough to do something. Just don't make them. Not only you can get hurt but others around you.
You are the Man.
Bro rbs70.... u really got the GUTS to shift their thread discussion here.... which can b more neutralized as non of us are LV members. We should be able to have fairer discussions and post contributions will not be edited (for sure).
For me, I post nonsense, I also accept nonsense back. I tekan you, you can tekan me, no problem.
Maybe sometimes I go back and forth but after a while I surely back down one, nothing gained what.
I don't tekan ppl when they are down, or even if I do, moderately with consideration for their plight. Remember Stephen Dorai? ( I think he was PS2U or something) He tekan me back, I also cool abt it, after all he kena sacked, emotions running high, never mind give him some face, I am old enough to be called names.
But I also got my ways if want to. See even his actual name I can find out, not that I am great, but I know where to look.
I still have to old links in TCSS thread which I cutted and pasted .
If they want to see it.... I can transfer it here for everyone to read....
I usually share my driving experiences with newbie....
but when somebody (like BJ) tries to be funny.... he can expect me to b funnier than him.
online cyber is only a past time. I have been "disappearing" for a few times already in Sgforums.... If it is not for rbs70 to call for a Lost and Found thread in TD forum, I will probably be happier in some other forums and facebook rather than here.
I don't get any joy in writing abt him or the forum. In fact I would hv continued my absence until I read abt the nonsense being posted, wrong advice given to BJ and the overboad editing and deleting.
It could reach a stage where any fat Indian bugger in Chin Chwee area suddenly get stopped or detained wrongly by the gang.
There's a proper way to do it. Of course also if BJ really tulan, spot the fucker and dont want the hassle of court and police, teach him a lesson on his own, with help from his friends. But fellow forummers must be careful.
This is a sad case, but in the end it's BJ's case to fight in whatever way he wants, not for us to intervene blindly.
I think I forummer also mention someone got robbed? What happened to that case? That is a far bigger case than BJ's (sorry but that's fact). What advise or action has been given and taken? Was it the same like this case?
the above mentioned robbery case, I'm certainly not aware off, probably rbs70 is a better person to ask.
As i briefly disappeared (from Sgforums) near end 2012 to February 2013, incidents happened within these periods, I dun even bother to read back....
I heard Ah Guan's sacking in LV is a big issue in TD forums... but that is not a issue to me.... as I am not a LV member as a whole....
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:the above mentioned robbery case, I'm certainly not aware off, probably rbs70 is a better person to ask.
As i briefly disappeared (from Sgforums) near end 2012 to February 2013, incidents happened within these periods, I dun even bother to read back....
I heard Ah Guan's sacking in LV is a big issue in TD forums... but that is not a issue to me.... as I am not a LV member as a whole....
I think this robbery was recent, not sure, Rbs will know. Knn he ah, will start something, disappear let it boil a bit, then abt to cool down, on back the gas - very cunning!
Ah Guan case yes, LV matter, but the moment you bring it here, then it becomes open topic as this is Sgforum meaning whole of Sg right?
Dont want to talk abt it, then keep it in LV la, LV got own forum right? I remember when 1st joined here, the advise was LV matters talk in their own forum. Then all LV matters come here but when opposing views are given, yes, you got it, cut/paste/delete/lock?
Once here, some ppl like me can see, what's wrong as an outisder, not just an insider views. I know he did something bad in there and deserve to be kicked out, but that should not affect his membership here. At the most ignore him here la.
Dont 1 day support him like a prized son in here and then suddenly condemn him like an unwanted child. You're the senior man, you must able to deal with your junior men, not threaten a walk out. At least though LV leadership got understanding only sack 1 give face to senior man, if this was CDG both will be shown the red card.
Ah Guan is a stupid cock, deserve to be fucked, but as a senior I felt a better way was to fuck him, punish him and let him learn from his mistake. If he repeat then by all means sack him.
That was my outsider view.
I had joined some socially formed limousine groups (due to the need of have 1 or 2 walky groups in the hectic and practical world), and walked away from some (if I dun feel good with the group setup and the ways they handle the operations).
As the Chinese (Hokkien saying) Ho Lai Ho Kee.... translates to English as Good come, good go.... Let depart on a amicable way, rather than having war of words.
I was also the Committee for some Big grouping also, hence, I know what they are doing, and also how to make a group successful.
Originally posted by JoeRaj:Knn he ah, will start something, disappear let it boil a bit, then abt to cool down, on back the gas - very cunning!
Bro rbs70 is the king for stirring.....this... I am have to salute him.
what r u cooking this time round ?
bro Rbs70....
we cannot have similar thread topic than TD forums lah...
so confusing.... let me edit the thread topic hor.... look/read better right ?
When we intent to 'shoot a poison arrow'..... we may sure it strike deep into his ass....
Originally posted by Ken@kofishop:Wah, I forgot RBS70 missile system very portable one,,,thread redeployed here bo gong… finally found this redeployment site hahaha…
yes bro ken... u can come post here also.... ** confirmed no edition of post contributions as we want to be as original as possible and have a true, neutral forum discussion.
** but this cannot be said if BJ tries to be funny.
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:
yes bro ken... u can come post here also.... ** confirmed no edition of post contributions as we want to be as original as possible and have a true, neutral forum discussion.
** but this cannot be said if BJ tries to be funny.
Actually he wanted to but decided to let things be after reading my posts. Anyway after this hopefully he can get along and post better in the forum.
If he's prepared to give and take, I'm sure no one will hv a problem.
I took some morning to digest bro JoeRaj post until got tao kong kong........
But definitely is a very well written posts...........
The guy I'm waiting for to come in and comment on Police law and order matter finally arrive but with a cold water spill all over by the owner over there........
My purpose of duplicate this thread is not to attack on bj, do not misunderstand, I believe we need to know more on law and order in Sg........
too many threads bad mouthing on our SPF.......
we as a regular forumers aka aka will know who from where before just by reading their posts.........
I believe JoeRaj is the only 1 from SPF before........
my knowledge on ISD matter is limited although I attend the course and clear cat1, but that's donkey years ago liao........
Most post written by JoeRaj just nice strike into our core........
nothing better for an ex enforcer to comment on that, which Poolman don't recognize.......
but wtf he know about civil servant? From his post, I understand that he is a driver during NS time.......
Will keep log in for today, at the mean time, need to clear my work first, knn waste too much to reading forum.......
knn if plus bowah long winded posting here.........cannot imagine, hahahaha