Before we are allowed to renew our respective Vocational Licence and / or businesses (if you are in private limousine business), we have to top-up my Medisave accounts.
As TDs, the amount (of top-up) is fixed to your age range. As Private Limousine drivers, it is calculated by our last income tax assessment.
It is an annual event....
like it or not... you need to top-up your Medisave A/c before your vocational licence(s) get approved to earn your trade.
We are contributing our hard earn $$$ to CPF.... (most of us can't even utilized it) as it is not Ordinary account.
Any advices ?
Imigate to Vietnam with Komade ?
Just got a letter from CPF board....
need to top up by 6 August 2012..... $1,302.95.....
As Sam.seah had mentioned in another thread.....
If Pte Limo driver did not top up our a/c.... Ho Say Liao.... they will shoot a letter to ACRA (the renamed ROC), our businesses will be eased, and probably with a fine (penalty) by the authority....
and... our PHVL may even get revoked....
So, die die also have to dig out $1,300 to top up....
Medical Checkup ?
Any one needs to top-up your Medisave account(s) and attend a Medical Checkup in order to get your Vocational Licence approved ?
Medisave Minimum Sum and Medisave Contribution Ceiling
The Medisave Minimum Sum (MMS) is the amount that a person turning 55 needs to set aside for his hospitalisation expenses in subsidised Class B2 and C wards, subsidised outpatient treatment for selected chronic conditions and basic MediShield and ElderShield premiums in his old age. Regular MMS adjustments are necessary to help Singaporeans plan for their long-term healthcare needs.
From 1 July 2012,
a. | The Medisave Minimum Sum (MMS) will be raised to $38,500 from $36,000, a 7% increase. Members will be able to withdraw their Medisave savings in excess of the MMS at or after age 55. |
b. | The maximum balance a member may have in his Medisave Account, known as the Medisave Contribution Ceiling (MCC), is set at $5,000 above MMS and this would be increased correspondingly to $43,500, from $41,000. |
As announced previously, any Medisave contribution in excess of the prevailing MCC will be transferred to the member’s Special Account if he is below age 55 or to his Retirement Account if he is above age 55 and has a MS shortfall.
Bo dai ji more self-employed....
waiting for my red letter to come...............
You do not have any outstanding Medisave liability as at 16 Jul 2012.
That's what it says
So sorry, I should not stir you to get the AMG rims... Lol...
Dont worry lah, u do one disposal can get the $$ Liao...
Already paid thru AXS Machine.....
Money no enough....
next month still have another 2 big sums....
and there goes a "big hole" in ur a/c..
1 Road Tax
2) Insurance....
In order to be caught off hand as a really had to save for any rainy day......
I did mention before, since day 1 as a TD......I got this bad habit, after end of the day, will set aside 10-20 butt, and die die cannot touch not much, but over the years.....
Originally posted by Rbs70:In order to be caught off hand as a really had to save for any rainy day......
I did mention before, since day 1 as a TD......I got this bad habit, after end of the day, will set aside 10-20 butt, and die die cannot touch not much, but over the years.....
Sentosa Cove on the way ?
Originally posted by Sam.seah:So sorry, I should not stir you to get the AMG rims... Lol...
Dont worry lah, u do one disposal can get the $$ Liao...
no regrets....
Where can blame anyone ? me not those type lah....
Nice right? The more u look at it, the more shiok u feel...
Originally posted by Sam.seah:Nice right? The more u look at it, the more shiok u feel...
Haiz.... nice to look....
I bought Rims & Tyres with CASH..... not Credit Cards.
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:Haiz.... nice to look....
I bought Rims & Tyres with CASH..... not Credit Cards.
CASH is KING......... but when no cash olredi obk liao..............
Originally posted by komade:CASH is KING......... but when no cash olredi obk liao..............
my payday on the 10th of August....
and every Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday 6.35pm.
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:yeah....
my payday on the 10th of August....
and every Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday 6.35pm.
juz like ur slogan bro~~~~~~
Originally posted by komade:juz like ur slogan bro~~~~~~
but if lose.... becum DOG....
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:
Sentosa Cove on the way ?
Never my dream to stay in Cove, but got seller can recommend....
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:yeah....
my payday on the 10th of August....
and every Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday 6.35pm.
Than Monday, Thursday.....1835pm....what day?....
Tuesday is my off day....
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:
but if lose.... becum DOG....
yah if go thru u r GOD.........
nber go thru u r DOG.............
same 3 letters juz a reverse of it n everytin changes..................