Haha, is time to start new thread, the rest read until my eyes pain and head giddy.
After following up all the threads, realised a common problem between all of us.
That is the different between each and all of us.
We have Pte Limo and Limousine Taxi, so what's our different in every aspect?
Let me start first, Pte Limo feel that..
Very important..most won't willing to lower their expectation and of course due to the type of vehicles they been driving, (mostly are self own) they won't easily compromised on pricing.
Whereas, limousine taxi are govern by individual company. Pricing already set by company, and expectation can't be too high also. 60pts for departure? By limousine taxi? Is not impossible, but compare to meter running, is way way far out. Not realistic to sell at this price.
Pte Limo for most, they own the vehicles, everything under their own responsibility, road tax, insurance, servicing...etc and most time, car break down, had to fox out money to repair it. Of course due to their ownership, this vehicles add as an asset while operating as a limousine drivers.
Limousine taxi? Hahaha, we don't own the machine, we pay certain amount of rental, and it cover almost everything except diesel. So the way this machine operate is very different, once start engine just whack all the way until off engine..heehee
imho, the most outstanding diff would be the costs. If one has a budget & yet wanna travel in comfort then they will choose limo cabs.
whereas if one has no budget & wanna to have a personalised svc with that extra touch of professionalism then pte limo is the way to go.
Pte Limo, obviously is private vehicle, everything don't come cheap, from electronic gadget to leather seat to sport rims...you want it, you install it..
Limousine Taxi, don't belong to the drivers, what you see is what you get, and usually company will try to save some bucks, meaning, take out this, take out that lo. Leather seat? You wait long long..hahaha
After departure....Pte Limo can la kopi...
Limousine Taxi cannot, AP piang...pick and go.
You will be surprised how some Pte limo offer cut throat price. We Pte limo are never as united as u whites.
In our trade, we no MDT, we can't sweep, so some people see that little bit like a big cow wheel.
Originally posted by Sam.seah:Owt,
You will be surprised how some Pte limo offer cut throat price. We Pte limo are never as united as u whites.
In our trade, we no MDT, we can't sweep, so some people see that little bit like a big cow wheel.
I'm not surprised on that, me still in...
Is a surviving world, bro.
Different ?
No need to......
sweep the floor...
And... no...
is needed... so heavy to carry them....
Originally posted by Sam.seah:Owt,
You will be surprised how some Pte limo offer cut throat price. We Pte limo are never as united as u whites.
In our trade, we no MDT, we can't sweep, so some people see that little bit like a big cow wheel.
Let those Cut throat cars go do themselves lor....
(hence)... this teaches you....
Do Not page out your REGULARS in the group.... .
There are Tai-Ko drivers in any GROUPs.
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:Let those Cut throat cars go do themselves lor....
(hence)... this teaches you....
Do Not page out your REGULARS in the group....
There are Tai-Ko drivers in any GROUPs.
Looking for Me....
Yes OWT...
you self-proclaimed Tai Ko driver ?
Hahaha, white limo drivers? Cannot la, if your very good customers, better don't ever page in the group.
Penalty for pushing name cards? Hahaha, jail 10 years, rotan 12 strokes? Knn, terminate only ma! But your good customers gone lo.
Trade secret.... cannot anyhow reveal....
Rbs70... pls own up... how many clones you have ?
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:Rbs70... pls own up... how many clones you have ?
Just for you, I answer a little bit of your query.
Many clones account around the Internet World like to talk to themselves but not me. No 1 clue.
And every clones account created definitely have a main account behind it. No 2.
Do not over hesitate yourself thinking you been long enough at sgforum....No 3.
As usual, night time, me always talking nonsense.....
If I don't have any intention to meet anybody here, why bother about clone or no clone?
I'm only interested in quality topics....and I'm 1 of the clone dislike opening a thread. No 4...
Is time to take my medicine....I remember that....lol
your reply is short.... but reading it makes me sleepy..... dun know why ?
Originally posted by Rbs70:
Just for you, I answer a little bit of your query.
Many clones account around the Internet World like to talk to themselves but not me. No 1 clue.
And every clones account created definitely have a main account behind it. No 2.
Do not over hesitate yourself thinking you been long enough at sgforum....No 3.
As usual, night time, me always talking nonsense.....
If I don't have any intention to meet anybody here, why bother about clone or no clone?
I'm only interested in quality topics....and I'm 1 of the clone dislike opening a thread. No 4...
Is time to take my medicine....I remember that....lol
I am only in SgForums for slightly more than 2 years.... not long lah... (how to say over hesitate ?) I am still a NEWBIE....
But in limousine cabs + Pte Limousine experience... = okie lah... in the middle... not over experience.... not a newbie.... can provide sensible advices.
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:
your reply is short.... but reading it makes me sleepy..... dun know why ?
Suppose to make you sleep, knn 1am still post...at least say thank you lah...
Originally posted by Rbs70:Suppose to make you sleep, knn 1am still post...at least say thank you lah...
but I read the post at 1pm.....
make me damn sleepy...
Originally posted by Rbs70:
Just for you, I answer a little bit of your query.
Many clones account around the Internet World like to talk to themselves but not me. No 1 clue.
And every clones account created definitely have a main account behind it. No 2.
Do not over hesitate yourself thinking you been long enough at sgforum....No 3.
As usual, night time, me always talking nonsense.....
If I don't have any intention to meet anybody here, why bother about clone or no clone?
I'm only interested in quality topics....and I'm 1 of the clone dislike opening a thread. No 4...
Is time to take my medicine....I remember that....lol
You keep mention you have no intention to meet or make friends here......... is it you are afraid of real life confrontation and judgement.
Originally posted by OptimalTrans:You keep mention you have no intention to meet or make friends here......... is it you are afraid of real life confrontation and judgement.
Rbs70 always stirred shit... he worries kena hamtam....
(but we are civilised ppl, we dun do that..... trust us lah)... .
Hahaha, all this while, already bo intention....Than happen got that confrontation thread, don't mix up leh..
Hey, this thread is my last thread (OWT) before tio ban leh...
Originally posted by Rbs70:Hahaha, all this while, already bo intention....Than happen got that confrontation thread, don't mix up leh..
I dun normally bashed somebody....
my 1st online actually....(besides bombing of PaxOnBoard3173)....
it just snowballed..... knn.... dun even earn a single cent gets so many remarks from agent.... you can tehan ?