The Trend Micro GateLock is an all-in-one plug-and-play Internet appliance designed for home and SOHO network that uses a broadband connection. GateLock protects your PC from virus and hacker attacks, and provides Internet access sharing. It scans your incoming and out going emails, detects and blocks intrusion attempts.
GateLock virus scan is based on central control. It prevents malicious code from being spread via email by keeping your virus patterns and search engine updated all the time. Hackers cannot attack your PC since GateLock's NAT conceals its actual IP address. GateLock can also stop viruses and hackers with its NAT and a firewall for tighter security. It is undoubtedly the best tool for securing broadband access to the Internet.
More detail features and technical Specifications:
DSCTrend Micro
Trend Micro GateLock X200

GateLock provides broadband connection for PCs

GateLock provides broadband access for LANs
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