The current principal is now Mrs Lim Chye Ting and so far I haven't heard of students having to redo their flag days just because they have not raised the so-called targeted amount of money for the charity. Flag days in St. Andrew's Junior College are mostly voluntary. Students can choose if they want to go for a particular flag day or not. But of course, they are ADVISED to because of our precious PEARLS points.

I've been to flag day ONCE... My experience was that after the time was up, I returned to the collection point and handed my tin to the person in-charge, who was not from my school. Hence, I don't think the principal, or anyone else from the school could have known the amount of money a student raised, unless the charity organization informed the school of it. But WHY, if they do, inform the school of the amounts of money raised?
I've still got more to say... But ho, nono. We shouldn't be washing out dirty linen in public, should we?

If the Saints community has any grievances, hey, voice them to the Student Council alright?

Please don't tarnish the school's reputation here. I'm not trying to say that we don't have the freedom of speech but please, not here. It's not going to help much. If the school has a bad reputation it's not the school itself that suffers only. The students don't benefit from it either.
Thank you.