The Mojave Desert is a rain shadow, mostly high desert area, that occupies a significant portion of southeastern California and smaller parts of central California, southern Nevada, southwestern Utah and northwestern Arizona in the United States.
The Mojave Desert occupies a significant portion of Southern California and parts of Utah, Nevada, and Arizona. Named after the Mohave Native Americans it occupies roughly 54,000 square miles in a typical Basin and Range topography.
The Mojave, like all deserts in general, is known for its summer heat, however, there is wintertime cold. Snow, although uncommon, does fall in parts of the Mojave. Amounts range from just a trace to a foot or more of heavy wet snow which can lead to freeway traffic closures and being "snowed in". The coldest wintertime temperature ranges below freezing yet above 0F. Many parts of the Mojave typically range from highs of around 95-105F in the summer to lows of around 20-30F in the winter.
Road To Mojave
Creatures of Mojave Desert;
Air Plane boneyard in the Mojave Desert;
This is where planes go when they go to die.