A man dressed as the Carnival character Pepino poses for photos while waiting to compete in the election of Carnival characters known as Chuta, Pepino and Chola in La Paz, Bolivia Feb. 14, 2014. Bolivians compete in their local communities to be chosen as one of the three beloved Carnival characters who represent gaiety.
A Chola blows a balloon to decorate the competition site where the three Carnival characters Chuta, Pepino and Chola will be elected in La Paz, Bolivia
A woman dressed as a Chola applies mascara before competing in the selection of the Carnival characters
Contestants and revelers dance at the end of a competition to elect the three main Carnival characters in La Paz, Bolivia
Revelers dance during closing ceremonies for carnival in La Paz, Bolivia, Sunday, March 9, 2014. Bolivia's capital marked the end of carnival with the symbolic burial of Pepino, one of the three main beloved carnival characters who represent gaiety.
A Chuta dancer performs at the closing ceremonies of carnival in La Paz, Bolivia.
Contestants and revelers dance at the end of the competition that elected the three main Carnival characters, Chuta, Pepino and Chola, in La Paz, Bolivia
Contestants dressed as a Chola, right, and a Chuta speak while waiting to compete in the election of Carnival characters in La Paz, Bolivia
Women shout in support at competitors at the election of this year's Carnival characters in La Paz, Bolivia
Contestant winners celebrate at the end of a competition where they were selected as this year's Carnival characters: Pepino, left, Chola, center, and Chuta in La Paz, Bolivia