A 'Big Mouth Billy Bass' proved an able alarm system when it startled a crook trying to break into Hooked on Fishing in Rochester, Minn. The thief took nothing after hearing the fish blare out 'Take Me to The River.'
Here’s a fish tale you haven’t heard before.
A dimwitted burglar was spooked out of committing his crime early Monday after he heard a motion activated “Big Mouth Billy Bass” start singing “Take Me to the River.”
Cops in Rochester, Minn. say the terrified thief bashed in the door at Hooked on Fishing when the animatronic, wall-mounted bass began to thrash about and belt out a variation of the Al Green classic.
"When I saw Billy Bass on the floor I knew something was really up," store owner Tom Allen told KXLT-TV. "And when I tried to close the door and it wouldn't close at all I just knew that Billy Bass had done his job, and let somebody know that it wasn't just empty or something."
The singing fish, designed to look like a wall-mounted trophy catch, were wildly popular about 10 years ago.
The shine wore off, like any fad, though Allen’s still-hanging bass burglar alarm “took one for the team,”
Allen just celebrated five years in business at Hooked on Fishing in Rochester, Minn.
“There were plenty of things to take but nothing was missing … other than Billy’s pride,” Claymon said.
Potential Horror Anti-Theft Device aka PHAT Device