The smallest library in the world has appeared on the streets of New York City - and it has space for just one reader at a time.
The bright yellow plastic structure houses 40 books and aims to help city-dwellers take a break from the pace of life in the metropolis by chilling out with a good story.
The Little Free Library was designed by a pair of innovative architects using recycled materials to protect the books inside from the elements.
It was constructed from a plastic water tank and a wooden frame, with holes in the exterior allowing visitors to look in before they enter the structure.
Venezuelan architects Marcelo Ertorteguy and Sara Valente said the library creates an 'inhabitable' environment which immerses its users in the experience of browsing and reading books.
The library in Manhattan's Nolita neighbourhood has attracted a great deal of interest since it was installed last month.
'The Little Free Library idea was originated about three years ago and rapidly started spreading throughout the country and also popping up in some areas of Europe, Africa and India,' Mr Ertorteguy said.
'It remains a mystery how New York City was one of the very few cities in the country with no libraries.'
The Manhattan library had its origins in a project set up by the Architectural League of New York in association with Pen World Voices Festival, and will remain in place until September.
Mr Ertorteguy added: 'We have a big interest to work recycling materials, but what we find much more interesting is to give materials, or objects, new functions.
'For the Little Free Library we wanted to find the perfect object to re-purpose, one that could not only shelter the books from the weather but also one that a person could inhabit - the water tank suited perfectly, the rest was
just resolving how to hold it up.
'With the library we wanted to create a place where to slow down, a pocket in New York City's streets where to have the moment to partially isolate from the surroundings and get immersed into another world - the world of the book you pick.'
There are currently more than 5,000 Little Free Libraries across the U.S. and internationally, but most are nothing more than outdoor bookshelves which cannot accommodate readers inside.
The project is intended to give everyone access to reading material even if they live in areas which are not served by public libraries.
once rain and u will see water flowing from the holes
U think this is the world smallest library???
my friend home has the world smallest library... only 2 books on his shelf
You obviously have not heard of the invisible library.