Copenhagen-based interaction designer Phillip Mayer completed a tactile comic book which tells stories through Braille-like raised circles representing different characters that are set in perforated boxes to separate the panels. Titled "Life," the comic offers a relatively simple narrative of two people falling in love, allowing the reader's imagination to fill in the details.
How would you explain a comic book to a blind person? You could describe what’s happening in each panel in detail, explaining what each character looks like and how they are interacting. But the flaw of course, is that art is open to interpretation so you’d undoubtedly be adding your own insights and spin on things.
Interaction designer Philipp Meyer created a comic that uses Braille like tactile shapes to tell a story so blind people can read it for themselves. Each character, represented by a circle, feels a little bit different with a unique texture. The story is called “Life” and features two characters coming together and—well, the rest is open to interpretation.