If you plan to get married this Spring and see an unfamiliar but friendly face bouncing towards you at the reception, don't assume it's the distant relative of your new spouse you simply haven't met yet. You might just be the latest couple to meet Noah Carpenter, international wedding crasher extraordinaire.
But unlike the raunchy heroes of the hit 2005 comedy 'Wedding Crashers,' Carpenter isn't trying to meet women. He just wants to take a smiling picture with the happy couple.
A senior at St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia who'll graduate with a degree in philosophy this May, Carpenter came up with his unique hobby after running into a series of weddings randomly in 2011.
'My first crashing was October 13, 2011," he told BroBible. 'I was studying abroad at the time, and in the month leading up to the first time, I had seen four or five couples already. So I figured this was something I might be seeing consistently, and I thought, 'Who in the world has an album of pictures with random wedding couples?''
Since then, Carpenter has amassed an impressive collection of pictures of himself celebrating at random nuptials across the world.
Noah doesn't go looking for weddings, but if he comes across one he makes sure to see if he can add a photo to a collection he refuses to abandon until he has enough to fill a coffee table book.
So far he only displays eight photos on his Facebook page.
He said he didn't have any particular wedding he was hoping to crash, but that he had had some funny encounters while hunting for new pictures.
The two couples in England were Brazilian, and after I took the picture, both of the brides asked for money. When I asked why, they responded in broken English, 'Because we allowed you to capture our beauty,'' he recalled.
'I laughed and told them that if that was the case, they should be paying me. They didn't take that too well, but fortunately their new husbands caught my humor.'
So far Noah's collection isn't even two years old. Who knows how many more pictures he'll collect in the U.S. once this year's wedding season starts?