Charlotte Neve had suffered the haemorrhage - which are rare in children so young - in her sleep, almost killing her.
After two operations to stop the bleeding on her brain, she was left in a coma and doctors told her mother Leila Neve to prepare for the worst.
But, when Ms Neve, 31, got in the hospital bed to give Charlotte her final cuddle, Adele's ''Rolling in the Deep'' came on the radio - a song the pair used to sing together.
Ms Neve started singing it to her daughter - and Charlotte began to smile - astounding doctors.
Within two days, Charlotte had started speaking, could focus on colours and managed to get up from her bed.
Two months on, she is now learning to walk and talk and has regained partial sight. She has now gone back to school and dance classes.
Ms Neve, from Trawden, Lancs, said: "It's a complete miracle. Doctors told me to say goodbye and I thought I was going to lose my little girl.
"I climbed into her hospital bed to give her a cuddle - she was wired up to machines and unresponsive - and Adele came on the radio.
"I started singing it to her because she loves her and we used to sing that song together.
"Charlotte started smiling and I couldn't believe it. It was the first time she had reacted to anything since the haemorrhage. The nurses were astounded and told me to keep singing, and she smiled again.
"The nurses said it was like I 'unlocked her' and from that day she started getting better and better."
Charlotte suffered the haemorrhage on April 13 following a normal night watching DVDs with her mother and sister Megan, aged 11.
She was rushed to Leeds hospital and had to undergo two life saving operation, but doctors didn't think she would survive.
Ms Neve said: "Charlotte was asleep in my bed. I could tell something was wrong because she wasn't breathing properly. I turned her over and she was cold and floppy.
"She had her eyes half open but looked asleep. I pulled her covers off and tried to sit her on my knee and she had wet herself.
"I dialled 999 on my phone but I expected the ambulance to turn up and me have to explain to them that she had woken up.
"I thought that she was coming out of a seizure or something."
When they got to the hospital, doctors discovered Charlotte had a 12mm aneurism on the main artery on the back of her brain.
The doctors said she had suffered a brain haemorrhage caused by a problem that she was born with, but it was rare for a seven-year-old to suffer in this way.
Charlotte was transferred to Leeds Hospital and kept in intensive care.
Two days after the brain haemorrhage, Charlotte suffered a series of strokes that were so bad the consultant told Ms Neve - who is separated from Charlotte's father - to call the family and tell them to come and say their goodbyes.
It was then that Charlotte heard the Adele song.
Ms Neve said: "How she's still here is beyond everybody. I was told that she was very lucky to survive.
"A day or two after the Adele incident, doctors took took the drain out of Charlotte's head to see whether she could function without it and she literally went from smiling and being giddy to standing up in bed. It was a miracle.
"She was given physiotherapy, occupational therapy speech therapy and then some schooling the day after the drain was taken out; she had come on that much.
"It was like she was rebooting. She was allowed to come home for a weekend to see how she was and the first thing she said was 'home sweet home'. When she was let out she came out wheeling the wheelchair that she was fitted for but didn't need."
Charlotte has been left with partial blindness and memory loss - but has now been allowed to return home full-time.
Ms Neve added: "Charlotte has been brilliant. She is so determined and brave. The doctors have stopped telling us what she should be able to do - because she has amazed them so much.
"From the scans, she shouldn't even be able to walk again - never mind talk, ride her bike and run around like she has been doing.
"She went back to school about two weeks ago for one hour a day and still has her occupation therapy and speech therapy, which is helping.
"She's gone back to dance class now where she does street, ballet and tap which she loves, although it really tires her out now.
"Her older sister Megan has really helped Charlotte because when she was in hospital Charlotte had to cut her hair off because of all the wires - so Megan cut off hers too in support."
Retired paediatrician, Dr Helen Turner from Colne, said: ''Brain haemorrhages in someone as young as this are extremely rare.
''Usually they occur in people in their 30s or older. They are normally caused by weak blood vessels that swells and cause an aneurysm which ruptures.
''It will probably take a long time until doctors will know if the damage is permanent."
For a moment I thought it was Richard Clayderman's Ballard for Adeline.
Sound like just a coincidence... but miracle indeed
Rolling in the deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep~~~~
To wake her up, get her to listen to Adele...
To put her back to permenant sleep, try Justin Bieber~