A Scottish village named Dull is seeking to "twin" with the US town of Boring, British media reported Wednesday.
The two places have already declared themselves "sister communities" after a Scottish cyclist travelled through Boring in Oregon, a town of 12,000 people, on holiday, the Daily Telegraph said.
"This could have real benefits. Everyone has been smiling at the prospect of the eye-catching road sign this will require," Dull community councillor Marjorie Keddie was quoted as saying.
Boring's local newspaper the Sandy Post quoted lifelong resident Bob Boring as saying: "I think this is one of those fun things that communities do."
But there were some doubts as to what the tiny village of Dull could offer Boring, with resident Peter Campbell, who runs Dull Farm, admitting: "There are no shops or anything like that... we'd welcome any visitors that might come to see a sign linking the two places."
haha epic Dull & Boring.