‘World's smelliest’ man quit bathing 37 years ago to get a ‘guaranteed son’!
Could Kailash Singh claim the achievement as the world's smelliest man?
The 65-year-old Indian hasn't bathed or washed his 6ft-long dreadlocks since 1974, not long after he married.
He's not lazy, nor does he have an allergy to water. According to the Daily Mail, the farmer was told by a priest that he would have a much-prized son and heir if he followed the advice.
However seven daughters later, Kailash still doesn't have a son and refuses to bathe.
Every evening, he gives himself a 'fire bath' which involves smoking marijuana, praying to Hindu Lord Shiva and dancing around a bonfire.
However considering he spends his days farming in plus 40 degree temperatures, the smoke doesn't tend to eliminate his odour.
His family admits they once tried to force him to take a shower however according to his wife Kalavati Devi: "He fought us off and ran away."
"We've tried several times since to force him to have a shower but he puts up such a fuss.
"He says he'd rather die than take a bath and only a son could change his mind. It has been so many years now I've got used to it."
Over the years she's resorted to desperate measures to try to get him to change his mind.
"I abused him and started crying when he told me about his senseless decision," she said. "I even threatened to stop sleeping with him but he is my husband so there was little I could do about it."
His smell makes him unpopular in his neighbourhood in the Indian city of Varanasi.
"Children tease and shout that I don't wash when I ride my bicycle through the village," he said. "There are many people who have a poor character that mock me for not washing. They do not understand my decision but I will not change my mind as it is god's choice, not mine."
Kailash's only contact with water is to wash his mouth and hands.
"I have no son, so I will never wash again," he said. "Maybe when I am born again I will wash."
haha lol
his wife enduring his smell for 37 yrs
he is perhaps also the world's stupidest man
now thats a candidate for a presidency somewhere in asia.
the photograph also taken from far range, zoom in until cannot zoom... the photographer standing 1km away....