The sea is a source of many wonders yet to be discovered. Every once in a while an odd creatures rears its not so pretty face to set us back on our conventional heels, so to speak.
Such a fish has been found and photographed off the coast of Japan, and while its ilk is not unknown, its face and bizarre features are rather extraordinary, so much so that divers have nicknamed it after the famous animated monster, Shrek.
The fish in question is a type of Asian Sheepshead Wrasse, which are well known for the odd protrusions on their heads.
They can be found in the waters of China, Japan, North Korea, and South Korea, and their natural habitats are open seas, shallow seas, sub-tidal aquatic beds, and coral reefs.
Shrek is estimated to be 30 years old and feeds on a diet of shellfish and crustaceans that are so plentiful on the ocean floor.