The inspiring story of Zhu Jianqiang, the two-legged walking pig, touched everyone's hearts this week. Rock the Week is honouring the brave and 'strong willed' piggy with her very own playlist. .
Zhu Jianqiang - Strong-Willed Pig in English - has caused quite the stir since reports from Asia told the story of this amazing Pig.
Now an unlikely tourist attraction in China, This Little Piggy is just lucky to be alive.Her owner, Mr Xihai, confessed that his wife told him to Kill The Pig, because Zhu Jianqiang was born with only two legs.
Luckily though, Mr Xihai ignored his wife and in a defiant display no doubt said 'right little piglet I’m going to Fix You.'
Against All Odds Mr Xihai taught his lame pig to walk. Zhu Jianqiang can now fully enjoy life.
Where she once relied on her owner, she can now say, ‘No! I don’t need your help, thank you, I’ll Stand On My Own Two Feet.’
Strong-Willed pig should be called Miracle pig after her defiant displays. Her mental strength and desire to say ‘I want to walk and I’m going to do it My Way,’ is something we could all aspire to.
In her hour of need, the helpless pig must have thought ‘please, Stand By Me’ and Mr Xihai dually obliged.
The bond between pig and man is now stronger than ever, no wonder they say the messy farm animal is Man’s Best Friend. No that’s not right is it?
However, in this story I’m sure Mr Xihai has muttered the word ‘ You're My Best Friend’ to his piggy and the feeling is almost certainly mutual.
Playlist in full:
Angelo Starr - Stand On My Own Two Feet
Nursery Rhyme - This Little Piggy
Seether – Pig
Frank Sinatra - My Way
The Tall Shirts – Kill the pig
Coldplay – Fix you
Phil Collins - Against All Odds
The Click Five-Man's best friend
Dion – Miracle
Queen - You're My Best Friend
Ben E. King – Stand by Me