Doctors in India have saved the life of a young boy who had two extra arms and two extra legs growing out of his stomach.
Some people had venerated Deepak Kumar (8) from Bangalore as a god, while others saw him as a demonic monster.
But doctors, on the other hand, saw the boy with the eight limbs as parasitic twins – a form of twin similar to conjoined siblings, but where the development process has gone even more wrong.
Deepak’s father Viresh Paswan, a construction worker in his 30s, would not give up the dream that his son could lead a normal wife, launching a public appeal in March.
And now it’s finally over.
Deepak’s extra limbs were surgically removed in a hospital.
“He is 100 per cent fit,” chief surgeon Ramcharan Thiagrajan said following the operation. He added: “Due to all the mockery and stigma he has faced he is very restless and nervous. But now after this successful operation and counselling he will lead a normal life.”
In turn, Deepak’s father was overjoyed: “My dream has come true, now we will celebrate it after returning to my village.”