Some guys think that being the boss is all cracking skulls, smoking cigars whacking deadbeats, and lounging with goomahs. Maybe it gives guys a sense of satisfaction to think that there's someone out there acting on his every whim, doing the things that normal guys want to do, but can't.
Unfortunately, what you see on TV is only about one percent of my life -- it's my leisure time, if you will. In between those moments, being a boss requires a lot of administrative tasks before I collect a dollar from my capos, and the only reason I ever get to spend any time with beautiful women is because I'm always out busting my frickin' marbles.
A boss never has a day off and he's on call 24 hours a day. Nobody gets to be boss by sitting in a strip club all day staring at the girls. Those guys rot in the lower ranks for their whole careers. I took risks to become a boss. When those guys come b*tching about their role in the game, I tell them this: "I wipe my rear with your feelings," because I had to work hard to get where I am. Here are the five rules of leaders that will get you to the top.
A rule of thumb in our organization -- or any organization in the business world -- is that lazy scumbags roll downhill. A few individuals, guys like Lucky Luciano, can overthrow the structure, but most people can't. Most people have to climb the ropes. The first rule of leaders has to do with respect. Gaining power through the proper channels is more sustainable than slashing and burning your way to the top, primarily because the older bosses will support and respect you, and the younger guys love to discuss the man in charge and how he got there.
Remember that showing respect does not mean being a doormat or a suck-up; it means being assertive and attentive to the needs of the organization. Smack skulls when you have to, but not every day. And most importantly, don't ever let your underlings mistake kindness for weakness.
Attempting to seize power all at once can have polarized results. In some cases, a major decision in life brings recognition, possibly even glory. Caesar made his name by crossing the Rubicon and entering Rome. On the other hand, Brutus made his name by betraying Caesar. Clearly the difference between the two men is only one thing -- victory. If Brutus had ousted and know his enemies after the betrayal, he could have tweaked history to his liking, but his decision resulted in unending infamy.
If you are struggling with a decision, some impatient cafone might try to make it for you. As a boss, you must keep enough fear in your subordinates so that they won't act to betray you. In the event that someone undercut the boss, the organization must be purified by making an example of the man. Break him down a rank or hand him his walking papers. Using power and control doesn't have to be authoritarian, but it has to be crystal clear as to who signs off on decisions.
An effective boss weeds out the progress-chokers. Your path as a boss may be littered with condescending people and prima donnas trying to get in your way. Nothing cramps business like grudges and attitude. As a boss, you must keep the gears greased with whatever it takes. A cheap way to keep bottlenecks from forming is to treat everyone the same, from the CEO to the night janitor.
This does not mean you should put on a plastic face like some politician; it means be a likable bulldog. When someone is stalling, encourage him. If he still stalls, apply pressure. On the third stall, smack his face. Al Capone knew how to get things done and still kept up his appearance. For all the stories of his butchery behind closed doors, he still seemed like a generous and humble guy to the general public. He knew how to treat people, how to intimidate them and how to crush them with class.
If you reach a position of power, this is where you will feel the squeeze. It's also where the squeamish jump overboard. There are crossroad moments when an individual takes a chance on a great idea or becomes a footnote to someone else's history. In fact, history is the compilation of crossroads between those who made the right choice and those who made the wrong choice. To have a name, you must be the one calling the shots.
For example, the Arch of Constantine was not built by Constantine, but to get his own massive rock monument outside of the Colosseum, you can bet he made a lot of major decisions. To be the boss, you must take chances, and, therefore, have regrets. Do you think I didn't make at least a few blunders along the way? Of course I did -- it comes with the package.
Without hard work, you will never be boss. Unless you are a child movie star, getting recognition takes at least 20 years. If you are always willing to do more, always working toward a goal, then the hours you've invested create an opportunity for you -- and once you become boss, everybody wants to be you. They are all looking at you, so you better keep your head on straight and be working, because respect disappears quickly.
One mistake can define your career. Look at Caligula in Rome: He squared away his whole life until he had power, and then he lost his marbles. It happens. So even when you get the recognition as the leader, you have to keep working or you’ll lose it faster than my uncle Dino lost his life.