My name is jampa and today I have founf the sgForum so interesting and without wasting a minute I became one of the member of this site. The second thing that attracted me most is the presence of Dorje Shugden subject in this dicussing format, therefore, I like to express how i have felt in the past, feeling at present , will feel in near future on the controversy which have created chaos amongst the Buddha Dharma practioner throughout the world even in Singapore non shugden societies avoid or discriminate Shugden prationers without any hasitation, I must say that this inhuman act will not lead to anywhere except to the dreadful hell where suffering is eternal.
The controversy was intendtionally created by people in order to take advantage politically but many poeple still in ignorance and some delibretely do not want to figure out whats realistic bihind this conspiricy. In my point of view, the politic should be separated from any kind religion at any cost, because one is full deception, false, hatered etc and another is full of love, peace, honesty, respect, harmony etc. so how can these two be combined since their difinations are totally opposite. So the point is the politic belongs to a place where it suit and religion belongs to where it suits. So far in the history of world, how many people killed in the name of religion which mixed with politics, it is a good example or lesson for us to look at and learn.
There is not a single war, civil war, conflict, controvercy etc. that really caused by a religion -Jampa
We need your moral support. Will you ?
Hi.. just surfed on in and saw this...
i can't access btw.
Pls support my petition!
or join in discussions at my facebook group:
Cheers :)
great ! looking forward to the discussion