Submitted by farhan on Wed, 03/06/2015 - 4:32pm

Dear all,
Just got back and found gambling dens on the street. CCTVs here seem to function as mere placebos.
Prostitutes can be seen everywhere, along with large and unwelcome crowd. Called up the nearest NPC and officer who picked up the call has the audacity to inform me the CCTVs are monitored without any hesitation.
I left about 2 hours later and gambling dens as well as prostitutes continued to thrive. I called the police again and when I brought up the issue of gambling dens and they were still on the street, the officer reasoned they couldn't respond promptly as there were many 'public gaming' activities going on at the same time in Geylang.
Come on! This is not a new problem and it's been 'allowed' to go on for years, due to poor planning and enforcement!
Police's trivialising gambling as 'public gaming' as well as poor management is ever so evident!
Save Jalan Suka - Lorong 24