LTA clamps down on errant lorry drivers and owners
The Land Transport Authority has uncovered more than 200 safety violations on workers transported on lorries.
Over a three-day period, LTA officers conducted operations at several locations such as Pioneer Road, Benoi Road and Loyang Road.
This follows stricter measures that kicked in on Tuesday.
Most of the lorry drivers and owners were found to have carried workers seated higher than the permitted 1.1 metres from the floor of the deck.
Other violations found include carrying excess workers.
Those who failed to display the Maximum Passenger Capacity label or ensure that the passenger seats in the lorry's cabin are filled-up before placing their workers on the carriage deck, were also taken to task.
LTA says the enforcement checks show that most lorries complied with the safety measures.
It adds that only about 1 in 8 lorries checked did not comply.
The offenders will face penalties from fines to prosecution in court.
To raise awareness among employers and workers on their responsibilities, LTA has produced stickers on the safety measures for the transportation of workers.
The stickers will be distributed from this month to lorry owners, workers' dormitories and construction sites to be prominently displayed at common areas and on the carriage deck of lorries.