A former Gurkha officer was captured by the police on Monday after a two-hour manhunt in a forested area in Pasir Ris.
The 35-year-old, who last held the rank of police constable, was arrested for desertion, said the police, responding to queries from The Straits Times.
Investigations into the case are still in progress but it is understood that he had failed to report back to camp as ordered.
The Gurkha contingent in Singapore, which is now about 2,000-strong, was formed in 1949. Based in Mount Vernon Camp, the officers are usually assigned to escort duties and to guard key installations.
-- ST
Why SAF desert no manhunt but gurkha desert got?
AWOL huh ?
Gurkha is FT.....
SAF = citizen (better treatment)....
maybe they think Gurkha is a bigger threat than NSF who can be robbed with a deadly screwdriver???
maybe he was armed?
35 year old?no need to arrest! just sack him and end of story.
the worst place to hide
nt jungle
Wild boars also no place to hide, you think a gurkha stands a chance?
he was training ninjitsu
Could be he fell in love with a Filipino maid.
or he could lost $$$$$ at casinos as he is a foreigner with unlimited casino entry.
go forest pang sai mai char lah
hunting wild bor? weird. wild board cum on the road, human went into forest.
Originally posted by ditzy:Wild boars also no place to hide, you think a gurkha stands a chance?
He wanted wild boar for lunch?
So all the wild boars ran.
Originally posted by TehJarVu:go forest pang sai mai char lah
pang buay chut ah?