Published on Apr 26, 2012
DBS Group Holdings chairman Peter Seah on Wednesday defended the bank's contentious decision to issue $6.2 billion worth of new shares to Temasek Holdings.
The shares are being used to buy a 67 per cent stake in Indonesia's Bank Danamon from Temasek - raising concerns among some DBS shareholders that the value of their own shares will be diluted.
Mr Seah said that the DBS board had no intention of going to its shareholders to raise funds for the purchase.
'What we have been harping on is the inequality between Temasek and the minority shareholders, who are not given a chance to pay for Danamon, resulting in dilution. This is not fair.'
A shareholder at the AGM
Some DBS shareholders questioned whether DBS had looked at alternatives to issuing new shares to Temasek. This could involve selling bonds to pay for Bank Danamon and thus minimise the dilution effect on their shareholdings
DBS Group Holdings chairman Peter Seah believes issuing new DBS shares to Temasek is the best option. The shares are being used to buy a 67 per cent stake in Indonesia's Bank Danamon from Temasek. But some DBS shareholders are worried this will dilute the value of their own shares. -- PHOTOS: STEPHANIE YEOW, REUTERS
Was this even reported in the ST?
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