SINGAPORE: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Teo Chee Hean said organisations which want to be creative must be mindful of the values of the races and religions in Singapore.
Mr Teo said this on the sidelines of a community event at Sengkang Community Club.
He was responding to
a question from the media on the recent unhappiness in the Catholic
community caused by advertisements on the Escape Chapel Party, which
used posters featuring women in nun outfits.
"It is good for people to have fun and it is nice to have creative ideas," Mr Teo said.
I think it is totally possible to do that without denigrating what
others hold most dearly and who feel most strongly about.
"This is a multi-racial society, multi-religious society. Go out and have fun but don't do it at other people's expense."
Police are investigating if the organiser had put up insensitive advertisements that could have offended the Catholic faith.
The organiser had cancelled the event, which was to take place on Saturday at Chijmes.
- CNA/wk
Next time....
they may changed the theme to Sister Act....
who people never intend to have fun - but insult the whole nation all the peopel - fine only.
american micahel faye vandalize not public property get cane. now cheena bigger than ang moh already