When an elderly woman was away in India to look for a bride for her youngest son, she received a call from another son informing her that her four-room flat in Telok Blangah had been sold.
Madam Nelukkara Mohamed Abdullah Fatimah Zaharah, 75, is now suing Mr Zulfikar Ali Kappukal Abdul Wahab Kashmiri, 39, a tourism officer, and his wife for the $430,000 in sales proceeds.
In the case, which will be heard in the High Court next year, the widow claimed that he had disposed of the asset without her permission. Mr Zulfikar Ali, in his defence, said she had always wanted to sell the flat and give the proceeds to him and his younger brother.
Court documents filed by Madam Nelukkara's lawyer state that in April 2009, Mr Zulfikar Ali convinced his mother to give him the power of attorney so that he could rent out the flat while she was away. She signed this authorisation document at a law firm on April 16 that year but said she was not told that it also gave him the power to sell the flat.
-- ST