Take a look at this, from Stomp and Asia1 portal.
A group of people ogling and leering shamelessly at sunbathers...which made those 3 women so uncomfortable that they rose and left.
More information:
I just dont know why Sentosa managemant do not turn some people away, and implement human traffic management, and customer management, if it is obvious that their presence is disturbing and discomforting to the other visitors.
I believe the main reason is, due to ideological reason (fear of looking discriminatory)
But I believe the fear is overblown and is too extreme, such that it tilted too much to one spectrum and is therefore is not common sense any longer.
Some people should plainly be turned away and refused admission.
I have also been turned away a few times from entering some clubs and some lounges, because, sometimes it is for members only, or there had been a few occasions that I was wearing shorts and so I was turned away.
If Sentosa is a private premises, not a public place, dont they have the right to turn people away, just like I was turned away from members only areas or because I was wearing shorts, or maybe like how some nightclubs turn people away, dont a private company have the right to do that. So why are they not doing it.
Even in public places, dont we often see public signs "No Loitering"
Students and groups of youths are often turned away and disbanded, especially if they are still in uniform and are congregating and making noise.
So why is it acceptable to target all these other groups but never towards one certain other group, such as the one seen and depicted in the picture above.
Is it logical and reasonable to turn people away wearing shorts or because students and youths are loitering, but never pay attention to an unpleasant loitering and overcrowding in certain places like Sentosa.
Sentosa and other management in other premises should be more common sensical and start applying human traffic management.
Truth be told, not only Sentosa, but many other premises should start doing it too.
still remember 4 bangala molest a transex during the countdown party at siloso beach countdown ????
I couldn't find the word "sensical" in a proper dictionary. Must be another singapore made term.
Back to the post, so can the sentosa management actually implement a system to filter out people who go there to loiter or not? If public spaces are not meant for people to loiter, then it makes no sense for one to be loitering at home right?
cannot cannot. that will be racist already.......
As much as I don't like to have those banglas loitering around either, seriously speaking, how do you turn them away?
As long as they paid the admission fees and do not break the law in any way, there's just nothing you can do about them.
How is it logical to turn them away when, say, you have large groups of university students making a huge ruckus at Palawan Beach for orientation camp? I know, because that was what we did at freshman camp a few years ago.
And how do you define 'loitering' at the beach? Isn't that the whole point of going to the beach? To loiter around and chill out? So the Sentosa Ranger patrols must chase away people if they stay there for more than a few minutes?
I have little love for Banglas who like to gawk at girls, but what this fella wrote is absurd. Whoever wrote this must be smoking some really strong stuff.
Much as I would like to support the writer in stopping lao tiko peh...
But this is absurd... -____-
Simi call "I just dont know why Sentosa managemant do not turn some people away, and implement human traffic management"???
If u wear shorts and slippers and tries to go into some club house and get rejected, it's acceptable becoz they state house rules infront of the club house.
but how are u going to define "some"???
What the writer is suggesting is pure racial discrimination, whether or not he likes to admit it.
After all, why just target the Banglas - there are plenty of old ah peks who got to the beach to gawk at bikini girls. I don't like all these gawkers, and I'll kick their groins if the law allows me to do so.
But until then, the best you can do is to educate them about proper etiquette in public. Banning them is just not feasible at best, and at worst, is discriminatory and smacks of elitism.
Effectively what the writer is suggesting is this:
For those not in the know, that's from South Africa under the apartheid regime.
i think this type of behavior is universal among men of all races and nationality.
Sad.....I made deliberate and conscious effort to frame my arguments through as neutral references as possible...even mentioning other examples as parallels, such as youths who are being disbanded for loitering, or quoting my own personal experiences, when I myself have been turned away from private premises......it is precisely to avoid being drawn into a racial argument.
Take a look at the responses of some people here, a few of whom I recognize their ethnic background, they turn it into a racial argument.
It's sad.....
What did I say in my first post.....it's proven......that some people just want to turn it into an ideological / racial argument.......
Some people here play the race card.
And again I reference to my first post, when you play the race card, it is actually tilting too much to one extreme in such way that you get blinded and obsessed by it and it hampers your common sense logic.
Do you yourself really do not think that it is unpleasant overcrowding and loitering ?
You've never been to these places on weekends and find yourself disturbed ?
Have you been living in Singapore lately during the last few years ?
If the race bothers you so much, because they happen to be of your racial group, just imagine it to be race X, Y, Z, or imagine them to be Martians....why do you have to bring it up and shift the subject.
So the race is being used as a cover and primary focus, therefore obscuring the main problem of overcrowding and loitering.
When you do that, please be careful and think more about what you are doing, because you are not standing up for racial justice or whatever, what you are doing is actually counter-productive and is just inviting bitterness and resentment when you bring up race illogically and rub it in in peoples faces. You are being racist yourself when race is your focus, when I did not mention it whatsoever and I made a deliberate effort to be as neutral as possible.
This is the problem that we have.
We can never grow up and be a mature society, if some people just do not know how to think properly and do not stop being racists.
Okay Vege, let's not play the race card shall we...
so what will u suggest??? "Some people should plainly be turned away and refused admission."
Let's go abt this as innocently as possible... let's define "Some" shall we? if not other ppl might not know "Some" refer to whoever...
That's right, it is simple.
I think the management on the ground, should know and they should understand better.
They have the day-to-day knowledge and the insider knowledge.
I think from my opinion they should ban some people whom they know have a propensity to group together, loiter, and overcrowd.
Meaning, to my understanding, they should decline and turn away groups of young males foreign workers.
This is the same like how some shopping malls management decline and turn away students who are in uniform, or how some HDB blocks prevent and turn away students and youths from grouping and congregating at HDB void blocks, because they have a knowledge and understanding from experience that these people would group together, loiter, overcrowd, and discomfort other people.
I mean what are eyes for?
if they dun feel comfy with prying eyes and want privacy, go somewhere else where it is secluded
These are bangalas in the pic. They are the favourite of the PAP govt, how dare you ask them to be banned!
Originally posted by Veggie Bao:That's right, it is simple.
I think the management on the ground, should know and they should understand better.
They have the day-to-day knowledge and the insider knowledge.
I think from my opinion they should ban some people whom they know have a propensity to group together, loiter, and overcrowd.
Meaning, to my understanding, they should decline and turn away groups of young males foreign workers.
This is the same like how some shopping malls management decline and turn away students who are in uniform, or how some HDB blocks prevent and turn away students and youths from grouping and congregating at HDB void blocks, because they have a knowledge and understanding from experience that these people would group together, loiter, overcrowd, and discomfort other people.
so what's next? Lucky plaza on sundays??
Originally posted by Veggie Bao:That's right, it is simple.
I think the management on the ground, should know and they should understand better.
They have the day-to-day knowledge and the insider knowledge.
I think from my opinion they should ban some people whom they know have a propensity to group together, loiter, and overcrowd.
Meaning, to my understanding, they should decline and turn away groups of young males foreign workers.
This is the same like how some shopping malls management decline and turn away students who are in uniform, or how some HDB blocks prevent and turn away students and youths from grouping and congregating at HDB void blocks, because they have a knowledge and understanding from experience that these people would group together, loiter, overcrowd, and discomfort other people.
Well, not sure if u know why shopping malls management decline and turn away students in uniform...
Since 1990+, Schools have raised concerns with their students hanging around shopping centres after and before school... Thus this issue is actually raised by the Schools to ensure their students does not hang out anywhere and go home...
As for HDB, ppl used to play soccer, catching, wat-so-ever, at void decks, HDB blocks... But as time goes by, family living there complain of noise pollution, and police are concerned with gangs, violence etc...
Actually, it's all for different various reasons but it mainly affects youths or students...
if u paid and went into a swimming pool... Would u complain against an uncle staring at you?
but the fact that now "Some" has been defined as "Young Male Foreign Workers" is already discrimination... Defination of Discriminating (as per dictionary.com) = to make a distinction in favor of or against a person or thing on the basis of the group, class, or category to which the person or thing belongs rather than according to actual merit; show partiality
Oh, do note, I'm now not saying that u are playing race card or watever, I'm just talking abt discrimination...
Originally posted by Veggie Bao:That's right, it is simple.
I think the management on the ground, should know and they should understand better.
They have the day-to-day knowledge and the insider knowledge.
I think from my opinion they should ban some people whom they know have a propensity to group together, loiter, and overcrowd.
Meaning, to my understanding, they should decline and turn away groups of young males foreign workers.
This is the same like how some shopping malls management decline and turn away students who are in uniform, or how some HDB blocks prevent and turn away students and youths from grouping and congregating at HDB void blocks, because they have a knowledge and understanding from experience that these people would group together, loiter, overcrowd, and discomfort other people.
This line says it all:
I think from my opinion they should ban some people whom they know have a propensity to group together, loiter, and overcrowd.
So what you are saying is that the management of Sentosa should also ban mass family gatherings, university orientations, company retreats, beachside parties, and so on.
After all, they all have a strong propensity towards mass grouping, loitering, and overcrowding. I remember that my freshman orientation outing that day had 400 people at Palawan Beach. My unit also once conducted beach activities there for all commanders - around 200 strong, methinks.
Guess we should all be banned.
Originally posted by ditzy:We are all racist inside but show others we are diplomatically correct outside.
no lah.. i'm not racist one lor.. i dun hate them because of their race... i just hate them when they are from china, amercia, australia, europe, m'sia, indo, taiwan, asia, africa, india, etc.....but i like ppl from antarctica....
no choice
they also man ma
muz see
How to ban?
Put some bikini babes at the entrance gate.
Any man who eyeball the babes will be denied entry.
By his logic, these people should be banned from coming to Singapore. They are here, you can see them every where in Singapore. They loiter around in groups at the public places.
since they like to ogle, maybe sentosa should engage some models to sunbath there for a few hours for them to ogle all they want
Those family gatherings, university orientation, etc, is different, because, firstly they are an organized group for a reason and most importantly, they are not groups of young males.
But if indeed there are persistent organized groups consistently and repeatedly, then yes, it would disturb and discomfort other visitors too.
Of course it would.
How do you think other visitors can enjoy the venues and the athmosphere if that is the case.
Of course the Sentosa management should know and should understand how to regulate it.
Still there are some people who bring up irrelevent examples, as if in his mind he really believes and really think that orientation groups and families are bringing the same discomfort as the groups of young males foreign workers.
Why is it so hard to just accept reality.
As to the question of discrimination. It is not a discrimination at all. It is for mutual respect. Mutual respect and for the wellbeing of everybody. Please understand that we all exist as members of society and we have relations to one another. Someone's rights should be respected, but the rights of others should be respected too. So I dont accept as if this is something of a "wrong" action, and is "discriminatory".
When I get turned away from members only area, or because I was wearing shorts, I never claim that I am discriminated.
In public parks, dont we often see signs of "no skateboarding", does that mean that skateboarders are discriminated. No. It is because their action would disturb other park users.
Thusly we should not see the rights of one person in a narrow way but see it in a totality.
We should respect every individual and respect every person's rights, but at the same time, because we respect every individual and every person's rights, we have to consider also the rights and feelings of all people, as a totality and collectively.