PM Lee (implied): "Citizens are like
civil servants, they serve the government under "non-political" PAP-PA
MP/ MP-wannabe advisers to grassroots."
PM Lee (implied): "_ __ the government"
'PM Lee expects more robust debates in the next Parliament': [
TDY, 11Sep2011]
The PA-Workers' Party dispute
When asked about the recent storm between the People's Association (PA)
and Aljunied Group Representation Constituency over the lease of common
sites in the Opposition wards, Mr Lee stressed that the PA is not a
political organisation.
'The PA serves all the residents in the constituency, and it's
non-political. In fact, it doesn't allow political activities on its
premises when it runs its own activities. But guidance must be from
somebody who's working on behalf of the Government. It's
like having the Ministry of Education, the civil servants are impartial
and neutral but the Minister is a Government Minister,' Mr Lee said. Logic:
impartial and neutral civil servants in the the Ministry of Education need a leader: the government Minister to lead them.
Similarly, the
daft and stupid Singaporeans, like civil servants, need PAP advisers to grassroots to lead them in a non-political/partisan manner.
Every opposition MP is unfit for the job and needs to be removed ASAP by Chairman/ PM Lee HL himself [
'PM Lee says countries worldwide respect and admire Singapore's proven system':
"...I'm going to spend all my time thinking what's the
right way to fix them, to buy my supporters votes, how can I solve
this week's problem and forget about next year's challenges?..." [CNA:03May2006][
Well, he sure has his ardent fans and admirers demanding big crumbs...
Perhaps the problem is that money is how they decide.
Img source]
The poor will have to beg for better crumbs?
img source]
And accept that some are much
more equal than others []...
And so the 'dictator' dictates..., and oh my crumbs have come late today..., I must pull up my socks, listen and totally obey...
Pls forget this post, nothing you read here is true okay?
References (Conduct of civil service): -
'Separation of powers' [
separation of powers is a model for the governance of a state. The
model was first developed in ancient Greece and came into widespread use
by the Roman Republic as part of the unmodified Constitution of the
Roman Republic. Under this model, the state is divided
into branches, each with separate and independent powers and areas of
responsibility so that no one branch has more power than the other
branches. The normal division of branches is into an executive, a legislature, and a judiciary. ..." -
'(PSD) Maintaining High Standard of Conduct':
"The Civil
Service works under a Code of Conduct based on the principles of
incorruptibility, integrity and propriety. Civil servants are expected
to conduct themselves with impartiality and honesty at all times, by: Remaining completely neutral in all political matters and matters of public controversy ... " [
PSD (Role)> Nurturing Talent> Progressive Policies][
'Integrity of election process a hot topic during youth forum':
"'Civil servants under the constitution hold their allegiance to the president. The symbolism that is attached to that is we actually serve at the pleasure of a politically neutral institution. It is one of the values of the civil service that we are politically impartial,' said Ms Owi. " [
CNA, 17May2009]
References: (PM Lee's misuse of the PA for PAP partisan objectives): -
'Upgrading in Opposition Wards- MPs should front initiative':
"Why did the HDB choose to work with unelected candidates instead of the elected MPs in the constituencies?.. shouldn't the mandate that the residents gave to the elected MPs be respected?" [
ST, 07Oct2009]
'How PAP uses taxpayer-funded grassroots for political gain':
"The People’s Association (PA), ..Like all other stat boards, it receives a yearly grant from the government to run its programmes and cover operational costs. .. It spent a total of $320 million last year. However unlike most
stat boards, whose chairmen are usually the permanent secretary of the
parent ministry or some other senior civil servant, PA’s chairman is none other than the Prime Minister [pict][board].
The de facto leader of all the CCCs, CCMCs, RCs and NCs in each
constituency is known as the “adviser to the grassroots organisations
(GROs)”. This adviser is appointed by PA, presumably with the nod of its
chairman, the Prime Minister. In PAP constituencies,
PA always appoints the elected MP as the adviser. But in opposition
wards, PA appoints the PAP candidate who lost in the last election, not the opposition MP" [
G Giam, 10Oct2009].
'‘Adviser over MP’ raises many questions':
"PAP MPs are appointed as advisers to the grassroots organisations in their wards by the People’s Association (PA). In
the two opposition wards, the PA picked the PAP candidates who
contested but lost in the wards in the last two polls as the grassroots
advisers." [
ST, 22Oct2009][
alt link]
'MND continues to throw smoke bombs over role of PAP 'grassroots advisers'':
is absolutely no reason why opposition MPs cannot be appointed as
grassroots advisers unless they decline to work with the government. The
root cause of the problem lies in the lack of a clearly defined
demarcation between the state and the party which resulted in many
supposedly apolitical institutions like the People’s Association being
made use of by the PAP to serve its partisan interests. As the People’s Association is a statutory board, its members and grassroots advisers should have no political affiliations. It is disingenuous of the PAP to appoint their losing candidates to
continue “serving” in the opposition wards under the veneer of being
the “grassroots advisers” appointed by the PA." [
TR, 27Oct2009][
alt link]
'Town Council Act (CAP 329A) states clearly that Govt must work with Town Councils (run by MPs) to implement LUP':
"It is a joke that for some strange reasons or another, Mr Shanmugan’s ministerial colleague has refused
to obey the Town Councils Act by choosing not to work with Hougang
Town Council and even has the audacity to TWIST the facts by claiming
that 'it is the role of the grassroots advisers to implement the LUP' through his press secretary when it was stated NOWHERE in the Town
Councils Act that the LUP has to be carried out by the grassroots
advisers! From beginning to end, there was no
mention of the words 'Grassroots advisers', 'People Association' or
'PAP losing candidates' and so how did Mr Eric Low come into the picture at all? " [
TR, 29Oct2009][
alt link]
'Grassroots Organizations should stay non-partisan':
appointing PAP candidates as grassroots advisers in Opposition held
wards, the government is effectively bringing partisan politics into
governmental institutions. Using the PA as a vehicle
for PAP candidates as grounds to gain political capital so that they
may fight their next battle with more goodwill, the governmental risks
costing itself the position of Singapore as a Parliamentary
Democracy; and put Singapore in par with communist states like Cuba,
China and North Korea." [
TR, 03Nov2009][
alt site]
'PAP has blurred line between State and party':
"THE cry for multi-party representation in Parliament is the People's Action Party's own doing.. The PAP has blurred the line between the State and the party: What belongs to the State belongs to the PAP... The People's Association becomes a PAP instrument... The money belongs to the State". [
STforum, 13Apr2011][
alt link]
- Chang NY:
'Delink political affiliations of grassroots bodies':
would like to suggest that the People's Association (PA) be run like a
civil service organisation in order to single-mindedly and
unmistakably carry out its sole purpose of serving the people. Board members of the PA should not hold any political office. There is then no conflict of interests." [
alt link]
Fixing the opposition: -
'PM Lee says countries worldwide respect and admire Singapore's proven system':
"...I'm going to spend all my time thinking what's the
right way to fix them, to buy my supporters votes, how can I solve this
week's problem and forget about next year's challenges?..." [CNA:03May2006][