His hands on her waist, they swayed to the music at a crowded, dimly lit nightclub.
Maybe this Westerner was bumped. Or perhaps he was drunk or feeling cheeky when his hand slipped across her breast. Or did it? There is rising concern from some quarters that women are making false claims of molestation in order to extort money from foreign men.
At least two foreign missions here, the British High Commission and French Embassy, have issued grim warnings on their websites. The British website reads: 'Travellers are advised to avoid any action that could be interpreted as molestation. Scams involving false claims of molestation are thought to exist.'
The French website states: 'Behaviour towards women, especially in public, should never be ambiguous. There has been an increase in cases where the victim proposes to not file a complaint of molestation in exchange for immediate financial compensation.'
-- ST