SINGAPORE: A 28-year-old man, who is believed to have taken an upskirt video of a woman, was caught red-handed by an alert member of public on Wednesday morning.
The incident happened at about 11.40am at Jurong East MRT Station.
Police said the suspect had placed his mobile phone under the shorts of a 25-year-old woman who was standing in front of him.
A passer-by, 39-year-old Mr Ong, caught sight of what was happening. He alerted the victim and helped to detain the suspect.
If convicted, the suspect could be jailed up to one year and fined.
of Clementi Police Division, Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Police
(DAC) Melvin Yong, commended Mr Ong for his public-spiritedness and
thanked him for his assistance in detaining the suspect.
ehhh... phone under the shorts????
so is upshorts video???
Previously before mobile phones has camera, mirrors were used by the voyuers.
It will not end, it will only get more sophisticated.
Imagine if the endoscope become readily available.
wad can u see taking upshorts? anyway, personally i feel looking at gals strutting in skirts is nicer than taking upskirt photos...also, u wun get arrested for most kerna beaten up by her bf/husband if he is ard...:)
tis man has a fetish for shorts not skirts?
Just what is so... appealing about upskirts/ shorts...?
exactly...i tink its nicer seeing(video) them strutting in skirts than to take photos of wads beneath the skirts...
actualy the witness approached the cammela man for the video. the cammela man refused, so he reported him