A 44-year-old repairman who sexually abused his own daughter for seven years, starting when she was 10, was on Friday sent to jail for 24 years and ordered to be caned the maximum 24 strokes.
He first raped the girl in the family flat in 2003 when her mother, a houswife, had gone to the market, and her siblings were playing downstairs.
In 2006, when she was one month shy of 13, he took her to Bedok Reservoir on the pretext of going fishing, but instead raped her at the Bedok Reservoir Park.
Last year, when the girl wanted to follow her mother to go to her grandmother's home, the man told her to stay at home to clean the house. While she was washing the toilet, he raped her.
-- ST
Stuff chilli padi into his kukujiao
no lah 1 durian in his arse pls
Originally posted by I-like-flings(m):no lah 1 durian in his arse pls
dat's good. make sure the durian is as big as the esplanade.
make his kukujiao grow mushroom
how can a dad did that to his own flesh and blood ?
see from the newspaper
wad a father ....
how does he rape her at the bedok reservoir park without anybody seeing?
Such animal need to be treated differently. Castrate him is the best way.
how could his daughter let this go on for so long and her mom dun even notice anythng at all?
she did ....
she told her mother
then her mother go to her mother.. and lodge a police report ........
What would be the legal and social response if he molested his son instead of daughter? I bet no one would care.
He is probably and anger-retaliation type of rapist. Castration will not cure him. Only execution will.
Sexual violence has nothing to do with sexual urges. Rape and
molestation and driven by the desire to cause harm -- not act on sex
People have this stupid delusion that rape occurs in the open city and
that sex-starved eve-teasers will forms gangs and rape random stranger
young girls.
A woman is most likely to be raped by a man she knows and trusts --
boyfriend, family friend, acquaintance, etc. -- and this is most likely
to take place in private area where there are few or no witnesses.
Again, the perpetrator rapes the girl because he wants to harm her, not
because he is sexually-attracted to her.
The idea that "stranger rape" is a grave concern is complete bull.
If I were female, I'd stay in public places as much as possible -- night
and day -- and AVOID being in relationships with men. A public place
full of male strangers is the safest place for a young woman, this is
where she is LEAST likely to be sexually-abused.
A sex-predator doesn't have to be sexually-excited to make victims.
In addition, a sex-offender doesn't need genitals to molest his victims.
Even an emasculated eunuch is fully-capable of raping women and
Take any sex-offender, castrate him, and completely rid him of his sex
drive and testosterone. He is just as dangerous. If anything,
emasculating a rapist makes him more hazardous because he might try to
take revenge against the system by raping and killing young women.
How often must I repeat -- "rape is an act of *violence* not *sex*"
I will also add, pedophiles molest children not out of sexual interest
but to cause harm to those children. It just so happens that pedophiles
are sexually-attracted to kids. Most adults -- who are not pedophiles --
would innately find it extremely disgusting to even think of making
sexual contact with children. This "pedophobia" is totally-natural and
instinctive. Pedophiles, on the other hand, do not experience this
innate disgust -- this is what makes it so easy for a pedophile to harm
children via sexual abuse. Once again, the pedophile molests children
for the sake of causing them harm. An adult who is not a pedophile, will
feel eviscerated at the thought of sexually-abusing children. If this
non-pedophile adult is cold-hearted, he may harm children via non-sexual
abuse but not even in his most appalling nightmare would he make
advances towards kids.
There are 4 prime type of rapists that have been classified:
1. Power-reassurance rapists
2. Power-assertive rapists
3. Anger-retaliation rapists
4. Anger-excitation rapists
The first type of rapist feels weak and wants to "reassure" himself of
his masculinity by overpowering women. This type of rapist often targets
older women who he feels are have some power over him.
The second type of rapist rapes in an attempt to dominate others. Will usually attack women around his age.
The third type of rapist wants revenge against society. He was likely
molested as a child and when he reported it, his peers teased and beat
him up and often attacked him with anti-gay and anti-transgender slurs.
This rapist feels that society favors young girls over young boys. He
thinks that the same people who ruined his childhood are the same people
who have a soft spot for small girls. He is aware that even the tough
guys in prison hate sex-offenders. This type rapist often has long had
his suicide planned out and thus feels he has nothing to lose by
retaliating against society. Often has the mentality of the boys who
pulled of the Columbine tragedy. He wants to hurt male bullies by
hurting girls. His targets are often any girl below 18 years of age
because that is what will cause the most public outrage. He usually
kills the girls he rapes to make it impossible for them to perceive any
sympathy society would provide them. So why doesn't he just kill the
girls as opposed to raping them? He is aware that society considers
raping a girl MUCH worse of an act than just killing her. Murderers are
given a lot more respect than rapists. His goal is to cause society as
much frustration and anger as society causes him.
The fourth type of rapist is the most despicable. He often rapes
transgender women and other social outcasts. He gains pleasure from
causing any and all types of harm to his victims -- including rape. He
may also attack elderly women and pre-adolescent boys. Often a