This NSman in camouflage uniform suddenly turned violent in a public
park, hurling and kicking his backpack after a tiff with his girlfriend.
He then charges at her and tries to attack her.
STOMPer Melody relates the shocking incident:
"I was startled by repeated loud screams and witnessed an outrageous incident at Jalan Membina.
"An army guy turned violent after his girlfriend apparently broke up with him.
"In the video, the army guy lost his cool and threw his army backpack. His girlfriend then picked it up and returned it to him.
"This enrages the army guy even more and he kicks his backpack away and even tried to strangle his girlfriend in public.
"Are army guys trained to become more physically strong for the nation? Or towards their loved ones?"
Simi lan jiao?
no more "my boyfriend, our army" ?
maybe a sec school student lar
how that Stomper know is NSman ah?
NSman usually refers to Reservists leh
Originally posted by Mr Milo:
how that Stomper know is NSman ah?
NSman usually refers to Reservists leh
see the uniform la
irrelavant to topic..
Looks like L4D Tank throwing rock
Originally posted by Mr Milo:
how that Stomper know is NSman ah?
NSman usually refers to Reservists leh
Cos of the uniform. Old uniform.
See lah, another bird-brain who watch too much Naruto and transform into another emotional wimp and devoid of humanity.This piece of shit should really be banned before more serious disaster like this happen.
Girl: "you complain what complain, what tell me your SGT this your WO that, 3 extra only, serve then serve lah..."
Guy: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maid carry backpack, ipads, smoking in uniform, hitting gf....what next?
Wah man....losing composure in public....Tsk tsk tsk.... So anybody report to police? Is the GF injured at all ?
If only I know how to edit pictures into GIFS with captions... *ho ho*
I had witnessed worse scenarios.....along Orchard road a few years ago....a man slapped his GF many times, pulled her hair, strangled her....and punched her in the stomach when she fell down on the floor....he continued to kicked her....a few passerby stopped him and called the police....
Originally posted by Loor:maid carry backpack, ipads, smoking in uniform, hitting gf....what next?
Maybe she took his iPad and smokes and refused to carry his backpack.
haiz, really throw our face!
Girl: I'm sorry, but during your exercise, I was so lonely...
Originally posted by Demon Bane:I had witnessed worse scenarios.....along Orchard road a few years ago....a man slapped his GF many times, pulled her hair, strangled her....and punched her in the stomach when she fell down on the floor....he continued to kicked her....a few passerby stopped him and called the police....
Not compatible then breakup lor...why resort to violence?
Originally posted by Demon Bane:Not compatible then breakup lor...why resort to violence?
Because he is another one who watch too much of this garbage below and think he is cool in using violence :
In the second picture (on the right)....the gf certainly looks very calm even though the hero is about to wallop her with the backpack.
Chuck Norris.
Originally posted by βÎτά:
Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris dun do NS... NS do Chuck Norris...
Originally posted by mrwonderful:Looks like L4D Tank throwing rock
SAY NO TO DOMESTIC/RELATIONSHIP VIOLENCE!!!. This kindda people will not change. Hope the girlfriend find a new boyfriend..