SUBSCRIBERS of The Sunday Times should expect their copies to be delivered late on Sunday morning.
This is because of the expected late news after the results of the General Election are tallied - after Polling Day closed at 8pm on Saturday.
-- ST
wonder what would the headlines be?
hopefully its something that we're all wishing for..
scarly the headlines read........
GST UP 10%!
PAP 87 - OPP 0
"PAP is out of politics"
I don't what the headlines will be, don't really know what to expect.
Maybe the err, I don't know what to say syndrome.
We changed boss!
only 1.8 million out of the 2.1 million voted today..
300,000 citizens lost their rights to vote and 300,000 new citizen voters will be bought in to "fix" the true citizens.
Minimum 1/3 opposition seats.