Hi, I'm happy to annouce that a Tintin film trilogy will be produced by Weta Digital, Dreamworks Animation and directed by Steven Speilberg and Peter Jackson. Set for a 2009 release, Speilberg will start directing the first film, which is not confirmed of the story that will be adapted into film by the end of shooting Indiana Jones 4. Jackson will direct the second film, leaving the third film open for any interested director, but Both Jackson and Speilberg will be executive producers for all three films. Tintinologists predict that it will be based on two-part Tintin stories like, Destination Moon/Explorers On The Moon.
Speilberg is working on this film since 1982, when he recieved permission by the creator of Tintin, Herge (say: Her-jay) a year before he died on 3rd March 1983. Various original storylines have been sent to Moulinsart (say: Mo-lins-art), the organisation responsible for guarding Tintin's copyright but was rejected and used on Indiana Jones instead. Various online comic fansites have discussed of this eversince 2002 and were satisfied that they got what they waited for-confirmation.
At a press conference in Brussels on 9th March 2007, a spokesperson to Moulinsart annouced that the Tintin movie was a green light and caused Tintin a trip to the Headlines. Speilberg and Jackson have negotiated of shooting their version of Tintin in traditional live-action or animation. In a recent press conference in Los Angeles, Daily Variety reported that Tintin would be brought to life not by live-action but high-definition 3D animation. The same animation used in Final Fantasy is being used on Tintin and friends. 'The pores of their skin, the fibres of their clothes and each individual hair would be visible and Tintin, along with his friends will look like real people-Herge people,' said Jackson. 'We want Tintin's adventures to have a reality like a live-action film yet, Peter and I thought that if we shoot Tintin films in live-action, it will not honour Tintin's image and his world created by Herge,' Speilberg justified.
The casting call of the film is ongoing and Tintin's voice has been selected and it will be played by a unknown french actor.
History of Tintin films*
Tintin films made a first try way back in 1947, where The Crab With The Golden Claws was adapted in puppet-animation, also known as Marionation. The film was only shown once at the ABC Theatre in Brussels but was not shown again has the producer of the film has went bankrupt. The second try was a classical one named, Tintin and The Golden Fleece(1961). It was shot in live-action format and Jean-Pierre Talbot stars as Tintin and US actor George Wilson plays Captain Haddock. The third film called The Blue Oranges(1964) was less sucessful as it lacks nostalgia depicted in the previous film. The fourth film was the first animated film called Le temmpe du Sollei(1972) and was a box office flop and the last Tintin film was The Lake Of Sharks(1975) Created by Raymond Leblanc, this film was a bit successful, but was counted another box office flop.
Ellipse-Nelvana came forward and created a TV Series based on all 21 Tintin Adventures(excluding Tintin In The Congo, Tintin In The Land of The Soviets and Tintin And Alph-Art). The series premiered on FR3 in France in 1992 and ran for 3 seasons, starting from The Crab With The Golden Claws to Tintin in America* as the last episode. The Tintinologists are sastified as the true spirit of Tintin and Captain Haddock was brought to life; his expressions, thoughts, dreams and spirit of adventure.
-End of Report-
*Obtained from www.tintinonline.tk