Yes, our principal was featured on Digital Life this tuesday.
I will summarise wat he wrote

Apparently, Mr. Simen Lourds encourages students to develop their talents in other areas other than in academic ones- so much so that he organized a DotA competition within the school and even paid for the prizes, worth $1,100 in all, out of his very own pocket. Furthermore, the article reported that the 49-year-old principal also fought for a gaming center to be built on-campus, in which the $80K gaming center will be where students can play the latest games like Command & Conquer 3.
It was written further down the article that his openness towards gaming has endeared him to his students- evidently shown from among the many SMS messages received from them, one of which says: “You are THE best principal!”
As the principal of Montfort puts it, ‘You can’t stop students from gaming, it’s the interest of the new generation, and schools are fighting a losing battle trying to stop it. I won’t fight it, I will manage it instead.
-taken from