This is cope from the web 1 quite useful really.

More than 100 ways to cope with stress?
Pickup a new hobby- maybe one you've put off for years
Don't be so hard on yourself- we all screw up
Put a sign on your door that reads "Gone Fishing" and mean it
Tell yourself I can , I will, I must
Shoot for the stars, not the sun
Take a hot (within reason) bubble bath
Set attainable goals for yourself and your family
Schedule play time into every day
Practice breathing slowly
Give your spouse a hug
Listen to some relaxing music (try
Simplify meal times
Get up 15 minutes earlier
Keep a journal
Reflect on recent accomplishments
Clean out your car's glovebox
Get a massage
Prepare for the morning the night before
Avoid clothes that make you feel uncomfortable
Don't rely on physical/chemical sources for relief
Backup your important computer files
Stretch your limits a little each day
Set appointments in advance
Write things down
Anticipate your needs
Don't put off until tomorrow what you can easily do today
Practice preventive maintenance
Stop a bad habit
Give a spare key to your neighbor
Have savings for a rainy day
Get your kids to put their dishes in the dishwasher
Say "no" more often
Play a board game with your kids
Learn something totally new
Help someone less fortunate
Tickle your spouse
Set priorities
Be prepared for rainy days
Stand up and stretch
Take a different route to work
Play a video game with your child
Memorize a joke and share it at the dinner table
Pet a friendly dog or cat
Walk in the rain
Teach a child to ride a bike
Plant a tree in your yard
Break large tasks into smaller, more manageable parts
Try to avoid "hanging out" with negative influences
Stop thinking tomorrow will be a better today
Look at challenges as new explorations
Develop your sense of humor (start at
Get in shape (or closer to it anyway)
Look at a work of art
Know your limitations and let others know them, too
Buy yourself a flower
Say something nice to someone
Pat yourself on the back when a job is well-done
Don't be everything to everybody
Make smiling a habit
Hug an in-law when you see them
Do something that only younger people do
Prepare for tomorrow, live for today
Repair broken things instead of putting it off
Get to work early
Look up at the stars
Put out a bird feeder
Remember you always have options
Use time wisely- try mapping out your day
Go to a concert
Keep important documents secure
Don't be afraid to ask for help
Rub your feet in the sand
Read a new story at bedtime
Believe in yourself and those around you
Look at problems as opportunities
Clean your desktop
Smile and smile again
Look for a silver lining
Be aware of the decisions you make
Stop saying negative things to yourself
Visualize yourself winning
Dance a jig
Make a new friend
Learn to whistle
Read a poem
Have a support network you can count on
Take time to smell the roses
Find support from others
Ask someone to be your "vent-partner"
Work at being cheerful and optimistic
Put safety first
Do everything in moderation
Go for a walk
Cut some grass
Get a haircut that saves you time
Sing in the shower
Learn to blow off steam constructively
Be prepared and have a backup plan
Talk less and listen more
Pick up a hobby
Freely praise other people
Be responsible for your feelings
Get more sleep
Take a short vacation (on a weekend)
Learn to meet your own needs
Look up an old-time friend
Go to your favorite sports event
Become a better listener
Hold the door for an elderly person
Live on less than you earn
Have a candlelight dinner
Exercise daily
Don't gossip at the company water cooler
Go on a picnic
Have your car washed- inside and out
Have suggestions that belong on our list? Email them here- Thanks for the input!
*Should you discover that you need assistance in managing the stress in your life, you should consult with a professional counselor in your area.
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