P/S: Dear all Stalking is wrong. The following entries is purely for entertainment ONLY. It does contain some ways of stalking or another. If you are immature enough to understand these are pure fantasy please do not read. The only way to gain the hearts of your love one. Is pure sincerity and openness. Stalking only scare and piss the girl you like and you'll never get her heart. I wrote it but I'm not the person in it. I don't stalk people and following them home.
5 March 2007 Mon
Dear Blog, today I was at the MRT I saw this girl who is one of the most beautiful girl I had seen in my life.
7 March 2007 Wed
Dear Blog, today I saw the girl again at the MRT waiting for the train. I think She is the most beautiful girl I had seen. Demure, cute and well dressed. How I wish I could know her. I hope she is not attached.
8 march 2007 Thurs
Today I saw the girl again. While on the MRT I sat afar looking at her constantly and try not to let her see me. I think I am determine to know her.
9 Mar 2007 Fri
Today I got up particularly early to wait for her at the bus interchange. Hoping to see which bus she took. When I saw her I am so happy. I quietly follows her to the MRT took the same train and alight with her. I'm right behind her at afar. I guess she had not seen me. I followed her to her work place at shenton way. She got up from the building. Darn! I couldn't follow her.
12 Mar 2007 Mon.
Today in the morning I didn't see her...Sad But later the night I waited for her by the interchange. 6-9pm.... Didn't see her :-(
13 Mar 2007 Tue
Dear Blog didn't see her again at night....
14 Mar 2007 Wed
Today I waited at her work place since 5. At last I saw her knocking off at 6++ I am so happy. How I wish I can see her everyday. If she belongs to me I'll wait for her everyday! I followed her... and surprised to see her going into the dance academy downtown.
I took a look at the bulletin after she went up. She is one of the comtempory dance instructor and I even know her name is Andrea Lee Shiling. Took some brochure hope and studied. Now I am getting really impressed with her. I came home and immediately started searching for her in the internet.
Searching for her blog... nothing
I tried searching for her friendster.
Andrea Lee... nope
Andrea Lee Shiling nope
Lee Shiling nope...
Shiling nope...
Lay sze leng nope
andrea... more than 20 pages... nope.
I wonder does she have a friendster.
15 Mar 2007 Thurs
Today I followed her again to the dance academy. I am outside. I used my prepaid phone calling the academy. Saying that I am doctor tan from Tan Tock Seng, please relay the message to Ms. Andrea to call me back soon. She really did call. But was directed to my voice mail. They believed haha! But she called using the academy phone. Darn! Some day I shall have her number.
To be continue.
16 Mar 2007 Fri
Dear Blog today I followed her from work place again. She didn't go to dance academy, but instead attended a church near our place. Hmmm she is a christian. I didn't went in as i might be discovered. But I took a note on the service time.
18 mar 2007 Fri
Today I dress up particularly early. I went to church right in the morning at 8.30. I wonder why would Christian go to church this early? its sunday. but I went. I sat right at the back. And I saw her so happy. The whole service I am spying on her thinking of her been with me. I got to know that she is an usher. And later I approaches the few of her fellow usher in church... They all have their name tagged.
I know a few, which includes Jamie Wong and Lisa Ang.
Later the night. I search through the internet again, trying to find out about them.
Jamie Wong... nope...
Lisa Ang... I found her blog (Bingo!)
I also found her link to her Friendster.
Searching thru her friend list until my eyes pop. I found her friendster and eventually her blog.
I was reading her blog till about 3 am in the morning. Her last entry stopped at 2 years ago. I got to know that she has a brother and a sister. All of her family attended the same church. Had a broken relationship once. Now still single. I am so happy. I found a picture she took with the background of her house. She lived in a terrace. In traced the route of the bus she took. And found her house to be in a neighbourhood near the interchange.
20 Mar 2007 Sun
I attended church again today... so as to see my love. So happy to see her for a whole two hours. I wish she knows how I feel for her.
21 Mar 2007 Mon
Today I took a walk down the neighbourhood where she stayed. Look at every house that could fit the exact appearance in the photo. Darn Dogs. But my effort pays. I found her house.
To be continue.
22 March 2007 Tues
Dear Blog, Today I am sick. I took a MC and stayed at home. I was folding stars the whole day. I wanted to fold 999 stars for Andrea, but till now I had only folded 300++. I also drafted a survey form with logos photoshopped from the National Statistic board website. I am impressed at my Professionalism.
23 March 2007 Wed
Today I posted the survey forms marked with the name from National Statistic board requesting to do survey on family matters. I mailed it to Andrea's house. I hope they would reply. I added a return postage to my rented PO box.
25 March 2007 Fri
2 more days to seeing Andrea... can't wait to go to church.
26 March 2007 Sat
One more day.... Been folding stars the whole day till 2 in the morning. 150+/- to go.
27 March 2007 Sun
Today I was late. I rush in right before the svc started. Andrea was right at the door welcoming people into the hall. I pretended not to see her and approach the usher beside her. It was Jamie. She ushered me to the seat. I am so regretted I feel like dying. Why I didn't dare to tok to her? Andrea please forgive me...
28 March 2007 Mon
Dear Blog Check my mail box today. No letters. Did they ignore the survey? Darn! I check out with SLA and found that the house is registered under Mr. Lee Zhiliang. I assume it her father. I did a personal check on him and found out he had quite a good financial ratings. Had a company registered under him. Lee & Tan Shipping Pte Ltd. Its a joint venture, her mother I assume Low Siew May is one of the director. Its a import and export company down at pasir panjang. Went down and took a small peek. My future father in law hehe! He doesn't knows that yet.
29 March 2007 Wed
I really wanted to see Andrea, I waited for her to knock off before I left for home. I checked her friendster and her friends again. I realised her elder sister was married. She had a brother who is in the army. And her best friend is a dog. Darn Dog! I printed the photo out and paste mine unto the dog. I tell myself I must love dogs, although they make me sneeze. Her brother in law is called Kelvin 32 yr old, Firefighter at SCDF. Thank you friendster you are wonderful.
30 March 2007 Wed
No sight of the return mail. Dear blog... I want to die. :-( I finished the 999 folded stars and went shopping to buy a jar for the stars. I picked one with precious moments. She used precious moments for her blog background, she will likes it. Is it sunday yet? FOUR MORE DAYS!!! :-(
31 Mar 2007 Thurs
Its not sunday yet but I got the return mail from them. I am so happy that I jumped home. They really believed the mail is from National statistic board. I studied the result carefully. They had a maid. Her sister is working as admin. brother NS which I knew. Father and mother self employed. Most importantly she is an IT Consultant.
1 April Thurs Friday
Dear Blog, today I went to the building which Andrea work. I checked the directory and found out 3 companies are IT related and 2 companies are IT firm. IT consultants are sales person. I recorded the names and checked yellow pages. I called their main line and asked for someone called Andrea Lee. Bingo! She worked in one of the IT firm. During lunch time, I saw Andrea leaving the building. I called to speak to the sales person. The person at the other line said they were all out for lunch. I told her I'm from another company and wish to speak to Andrea. She I assume is her colleague gave me her hp number. I ran home so happy feeling like hitting the lucky draw! I got her HP!
To be COntinue
3 April 2007 Tues
Dear Blog today I went to church again. And saw Andrea. Just before we left the svc, the pastor stood by the door shaking all our hands. I think he recognised me. I been here for a couple of weeks. He asked me if I wants to join a caregroup. Frankly I don't know what is that, but anything to get me closer to andrea I would want.
4 April 2007 Wed
Dear Blog, today I went to work as usual. And after noon I went to esplanade and saw a poster of a play. It is playing phantom of the opera. I heard its a great play and I think Andrea will love it. I bought 2 tickets right in the front. $145! Darn! its like my monthly recreation budget after deducting all the expenses. It is on Tuesday, next Tuesday.
No more movies this month.
No more supper.
No more going out at night.
5 April 2007 Thurs
Today I wrote a mail. Attention to Mr. Lee Zhiliang. Stating that he had won a ticket to the Phantom of the opera. Her whole family doesn't watch these art theatrical beside Andrea. I hope she would go. I mailed. I can't wait for tuesday.
6 April 2007 Fri
Today is Good friday. Someone from church called me that she invites me to the caregroup say she is my watchman. She said there is a night meeting tonight. I went down the night to attend the good friday service. The preacher was talking about Good friday and we should love our fellow brothers and sister as ourselves. Its not too difficult, I love Andrea. I don't quite like calling her my sister. I also got to know that I belongs to caregroup Hibiscus. Andrea and Jamie is in Tulip. How I wish I'm in tulip. Didn't see her today. Wonder why....
7 April 2007 Sat
Dear Blog, Next tuesday is coming soon. I think I need to learn something about dance and plays to impress Andrea. I search through youtubes for dance instructional videos, view a few segment of Phantom of the opera. I even learned a few words in french. Like Viola, magnifique and beau. I even tried to speak them in french for like 30 mins. I search through the history of Phantom of opera and such plays. I learned quite a few thing1s about ballet like pointe, pas de deux and battement. I even learn to sing a few verses in the play. Is it tuesday yet!?
8 April 2007 Sun
Today is easter day. I'm attending church hoping to see Andrea. She is serving today. I am looking at her all day long, thinking of how would it be like sitting beside her in the show. Or even better I even fantasize that I am the male lead singing with her on the opera.
9 April 2007 Mon
Dear Blog, today I told Joe my colleague that I am dating Andrea tml. He laughed. He thinks I am an idiot. I think he doesn't know how much Andrea means to me. Later the day I went home practiced my french and singing. I couldn't sleep. Tossed around till 2 in the morning. I kept looking at the Jar of stars I made for Andrea every half hour or so. It reminds me of her.
10 April 2007 Tuesday
Today I went to Esplanade. I hid in one corner until the show is about to start. I went in and sat down. Andrea wasn't there yet. So therefore I wait. Not before long, the seat is filled. It's not Andrea. it was Jamie. She is surprised to see me. Although we don't know each other well we had seen each other before. I nearly melted on the seat. When the show started I already had tears in my eyes. At the end of the show I teared and eye reddened. Not because of the play, but I am so disappointed. Jamie thought it is the play. I didn't tell her. For the whole night I hid in a corner of my room and cried.
To be Continue
12 April 2007 Thursday
Dear Blog, Today we had our caregroup meet. It was at one of the member's house. We sing Christian songs and such. One of them Johnny ask me if I have christian songs I like. I said I used to listen to "Its raining man. Hallujah!" He laughed and told me not every song with the hallujah is a Christian song. Our watchman Jenny teaches me how to pray. We went for supper and went home later. Today is the first time I pray. Jenny say we can tell Jesus all our burden and problems. Before I sleep I spent about 1 hour telling Jesus all about Andrea. In the end I ask Jesus if He gave Andrea as a gf, I'll offer roasted chicken and duck in church. My grandmother also do that when I am a kid in the temple.
13 April 2007 Friday.
Dear Blog, Today I printed a small flyer, with my hp number. It advertised about 24 hours veterinary service for all dogs. I also told my fren Chong at a 24 hour animal clinic that I may bring in a dog anytime this week, he says he will help me whatever he can. Later I rented a van from a friend of mine, Vincent Choo who is a car dealer. He offered me special price for the van but must rent it for 2 weeks. It costed me $350. Although it is very cheap it still considered quite an amount to me after the $300 for the phantom of the opera. Then I went to the supermarket and bought some dog food. I ask the aunty which is better. I think she don't know, she just pushed me the most expensive.
14 April 2007 Sat.
Today I open up the dog food, crushed some sleeping pills and mixed into the dog food. Went to Andrea's house, think no one is at home. I put the flyer into the mail box and start feeding the dog. The dog after sniffing instead of eating barked at me. Darn dog! I even had to sing song to try to coax it. But it just don't eat and keep barking at me. I think the dog is an idiot. Less than 5 mins I heard like someone opening the door. I ran. It was the maid. But I never return again. Darn dog! Foiled my plans, wasted my $350. AAAaarrggghhh, I went to eat some hot dogs in the afternoon to vent my anger.
15 April 2007 Sun
Went to church today. I drove with the van. I placed the jar of stars in front of the passenger seat, cause it will always reminds me of Andrea. Nothing much happened today. Was told there is a baptism next week. Pastor preached about respecting our elders. I imagine offering tea to my future father in law and offering the roasted chicken and duck. I smiled. Henry look at me wondering what I am thinking. He will know one day!!! Later the day Andrea left early. She walked past me. I pretended didn't see her. Was so angry with myself. When I didn't say hi to her. I went to the toilet and practiced saying hi about 30 times. Come out she left already.
16 April 2007 Mon
Today I went to work early. Then I
17 April 2007 Tues
Dear Blog, yesterday is one of the happiest day of my life. At 10pm+ while I was blogging. My handphone rang. It was Andrea's. Her father called. Her dog is sick. Wanted me to drive it to medical help. I didn't drug her dog, but I think its a golden oppotunity. I ran out of the house and drove to Andrea's house. She refused to let the dog go with me alone and sat right beside me all through the journey to the clinic holding it in her arms. I was almost smiling the entire trip. During the journey she was staring at the jar of stars which I left in the van. For the first time I spoke to her. I asked that if she likes the stars. She kept quiet. I offered to give her the jar, she refused. We reached the 24 hour clinic. In the end after diagnostic I drove her home. I was sneezing all the way back to her house. It must be the darn dogs in the clinic. I don't hate dogs if Andrea love dogs. I just dislike the sneezing. It was a good start. At least she knows who I am. So happy. I AM SO HAPPY!!!
18 April 2007 Wed
Today before I went to work. I tidy up my van and prepared my handphone to be charged so that in case Andrea called, I'll there anytime. After coming home from work I kept the handphone everywhere I go, even when I bath. Someone rang. It was Jenny :-(. I thought it was Andrea. Will she be ringing tonight?
19 April 2007 Thurs
Dear blog, Today I checked my friendster again. Andrea just updated her friendster. She put up some new photos. It was the photo of her with a man intimately together and it wasn't his brother. Her friendster status was set to "In Relationship"
;. I froze there for 5 mins. Devastated. I really wish to die. I go to my corner knelt down and beg for Jesus that this isn't true. I really wish Andrea to know that I loved her. Tears were flowing down my cheek and I hid in my pillow and cried. I was like looking at her friendster again and again. She was with another man. Blog, Jesus. Please.... I beg you... I wonder how am I going to sleep tonight.
To be Continue
20 April 2007 Fri
Dear Blog, I am so tired. But I couldn't sleep whenever I close my eyes I would think of Andrea and the man. Yesterday I barely make it to sleep not for going from one nightmare to another. I woke up 2 hours later and go to the bus interchange to wait for her. I just wanted to let her know how I felt for her. That is all. But she didn't appear. I almost cried on the spot. I went to work and got scolded like 3 times the whole day from my boss. I don't blame him. I just couldn't let go a moment without thinking of her. I spend all my time concentrating on my work to forget her. But she just keep creeping back to me. I kept telling myself that she is someone else's and prayed that everything will be alright, but I know that it is just a DARN LIE!!!
After knocking off I went to her work place, waited for her to knock off. I know I would scare her if I appear. But I really just wanted to let her know how I felt. If she don't like me then, I guess I'll just let go although I know I couldn't. I waited for 5 hours. She wasn't there. I went to the dance academy, she wasn't there too. I checked out her friendster upteem times. Looking at the photo of her and the man again and again as if trying to comfort myself that it isn't true. Dear blog, I really don't know how to sleep tonight. Jesus you said you will bear my burden. I beg you for just a chance please.....!?
21 April Sat
Dear blog, today is baptism day. We all went to East Coast beach for some of the member's baptism. It was quite an event. Andrea was there. I really wanted to talk to her. But for the previous two days I had wished for this very moment yet I doesn't dare to speak to her. I don't dare to tell her about my feelings. I blamed myself. Jenny and Johnny was rather concern with what is going on with me. I couldn't tell them.
Later the day. Few of us were strolling by the sea in the murky water. We are heading towards the food center. They were chatting. Andrea was quiet. So am I. I looked across the sea in the far ends of the corner, trying to muster my courage. But before I did, something happened. Andrea stepped unto something. She fell unto the ground in a short moment and fainted. She was bleeding profusely at the sole of her feet. We couldn't find any cloth so I used my T shirt to bandage her feet and carried her in my arms as we ran to my van.
On the way I felt I stepped onto something too. But I couldn't care less. We sped to where my van was about 100m away. And I raced to the hospital. When we reached the hospital then I realised the sole of my feet is bleeding too.
After seeking medical help then we know that Andrea was sick 2 days ago after I brought her to the dog clinic. She just recovered and had low blood pressure. The whole day she wasn't feeling very well. I guess both of us did step unto something, a broken glass hiding in the water. The wound wasn't too much of a problem. In fact mine was worse. But Johnny laughed that I am stupid enough to step unto the same glass after Andrea. I don't really care as long as she is well. Later I drove them all home. It is a great day... if only Andrea is still single.
To Be continued.
22 April Sun
Dear Blog, Today I went to church as usual. Andrea was sitting beside me. Its the first time she said hi to me. We chatted alittle bit. We looked alittle funny limping around in church with a bandage on our feet. Eventually she thanked me for helping her and got injured myself. Few of us went lunch after service. Johnny was like teasing me all day long. I wanted to be angry. Pastor say we should not nurse vengeance onto others, for God will deal with those who are bad. Andrea was there I kept quiet, I wanted to be a good Christian so Andrea will like me. They prayed for both of us.
23 April Mon
Today was just another normal day for me. I had decided to call Andrea instead of talking to her in person. My legs soften everytime she is like 1m away from me. I wanted to call her at 9pm, but I hold onto my phone till 10 and I still don't dare to call. I'll call tomorrow....
24 April Tues
aarrrggghhh.... so angry with myself today. I still didn't call her. I recited the word "hi" like a hundred times. But it seems that whenever I wanted to dial the number. Finger shrunk. My mum wonder what is going on with me the whole night. I quarrel alittle with my sister over the phone. She been hogging the phone for the past 10 years. Can't she just give me one night? I decided to call her tomorrow in the park downstairs using my handphone.
26 April Thurs.
Dear blog, yesterday night. I was in the park wanted to call Andrea. When the phone rang. My handphone. It was Andrea's. Her dog is sick again. Don't ask me I didn't do anything to it. But she only knows that I am the only person who could send her to the clinic at this late hour. Of course I am happy to do it. I ran home to retrieve my keys to drive my van. I drove to her house. And send her to the clinic. Before sending her back. She was staring at the Jar of stars again. This time asked if she could have it. I gave it to her. At the end of the trip. I told her the truth that the van wasn't mine and I'll be returning the van today. I refused her payment for the trip and ask her if her dog is sick she could always ask me and I'll take the cab to drive her. She smiled. She is so beautiful. I think she is an angel from heaven. I can't wait for tomorrow. I'll give her a call... I MUST MUST MUST!!!!
27 April Friday.
Today, I went to the park at 8. I stared convincing myself and motivating myself that I will call at 9pm... 9pm reached. I didn't call. 9.15... still haven't call. Eventually 9.30 I closed my eyes and pressed the button. It was Andrea. I said Hi after shuttering for like 15 seconds. We chatted for like 4 hours. I told her that I wanted to be her friend. That hope she can get to know me more.
We chatted until like 1am. Until my mum kept calling me asking me if I am home yet. gggrrrr I'm like 27 already! Eventually I pop the question asking if her wants to join me in a dance theater at esplanade. That I had purchased like 3 tickets inviting her and Jamie along. She asked if I know what kind of dance theater was that. I pulled out the ticket and read from it. She knew I was reading straight from the brochure, but eventually she agreed. Tonight I don't think I can sleep also. I can't wait for tomorrow.
To be continued
28 April 2007 Sat
Dear blog, I barely slept last night. I have no jars of stars to look at so took Andrea's photo with my face on her dog's out and look at it. I am so excited. For the whole day I was like kept looking at my watch hoping to knock off soon. The time comes and I met Andrea and Jamie at City Hall MRT. She is stunning, no matter the event. Jamie thinks that I am going for wedding wearing shirt, pants and blazers. I think she is ignorant cause I saw on tv they always wear formal for plays (Besides most importantly Andrea was there! Smile ). Later then I realised that many wear casual for the dance theater. Nevertheless I wanted to wear formal so that Andrea will think I am handsome. Andrea did say I look nice in formal. I am so happy.
At the end of the show we went to eat and I took a cab and drive Jamie home before Andrea. I sent her to her doorstep. She ask me if I want to take cab home. I said I can walk home. (And its like 3 km away). She thank me for the night. I asked if I could call her again and she agreed. We chatted alittle. Eventually she told me that all these while she had been reading my blog. For a moment all was quiet. At first she tried to avoid me. She even refused to let me drive her dog alone when her father mistakenly called for me. She feared that I would do harm to her dog. Finally as she got to know me better she find that actually I'm not quite as bad as she thought. I was blushing all the while as she speak. There is something I wanted to tell her. But not long before her father came out. We departed.
29 April 2007 Sun
Dear Blog, Today we went to church and sat together. Pastor was preaching about honouring our elders and our spouse. That Sons/daughter should honour our parents and Husband should honour our wife as wife would honour her husband. I turned and smiled to her. Jamie saw and give me an evil grin. Blasted Jamie!!!
1 May 2007 Tuesday
There is a church outing today. We went to Sentosa. I'm very tried. I'll write more tomorrow. There is something that I really wanted to say.
2 May 2007 Wednesday
Dear Blog and Andrea, I know you are reading this. There is something that I had been keeping in myself all these while that I really wanted to tell you. All these while I am trying to say this and I know I really couldn't bear to keep it further in my heart. I really feel hurt if I know that I have things hidding from you. I know I shouldn't have kept things from you. And I really can't bear to do so anymore. Please forgive me as I had done all these because I really like you. I had never lied to you and every word in this blog is true.
I had plotted alot of things so as to win your heart. Actually that includes this blog. I know that you had seen me in church, that's why I had purposely publish this blog just for you and I had visited your friendster 4-5 times in non-anonymous mode, so that you would notice me. When I saw the visitor log that an IP from your company's range of static IPs, I know it is you. I know that the man in your photo intimately is James. Your comments stated so.
I was so hurt for the two days that I really wanted to find out who is he. I called your company for anyone named James. There is only your senior GM James Lai, whom I know is not. I know that in our church there is no James that look like that man. I checked the Dance academy there isn't James. Then I remembered, your father had a partner whom I had long suspected is your uncle as both your uncle and your mum bears the same surname. Out of fortune I thought he is your cousin. I saw that he was wearing the T-shirt of NTU Water Polo. I did a search for James Low and found a website before I got to know he is Jame Low siew Leong. I did further search, though didn't find any blog or friendster I found her girlfriend's blog. Then did I know he is attached.
I am sorry that all these while I didn't tell you these. I know I had done alot of things but they are never without your knowing and I had done them all because I just wanted you to give me a chance. Ironically it is those events which are beyond my intelligence had brought us fate, showing my deep love for you in impromptus and proven to myself that I need you more than anything else.
I am sorry. Punish me if you will but not forsake me, I beg. I swore I'll never lied to you or deceit you again. I really need you. Please.
With Deepest Love
The second day Jonathan recieved a SMS from Andrea. "I read your blog.

The end.