Hi all students!
Making resolutions to better your grades and score As in year 2009 and beyond? For those who are beginning upper sec and JC studies in the year ahead, it is important to get a head start and pace yourself for the big major exams at the end of your marathon!
Brief Profile of the Tutor
• Dynamic university grad with first class honours in Electrical
Engineering from NUS
• 6 years of tutoring experience including students from RI and
• Singapore’s Representative for 2001 Asian Physics Olympiad
==> Honourable Mention Award
• Excellence in A level Physics Award
==> Awarded only to top 10 scorers for A level Physics in
• Award winner of IME Poster Award
• Award winner for NUS Innovation Award
• 2 times NUS Dean’s List recipient
• 2001 A levels @ RJC with 4 As and 2 S papers (maths and physics)
• 1999 O levels @ RI (E Maths -- A1, A Maths -- A1, Physics --
• Current Scholar working in an engineering company
Want to know more about me personally? You can visit my website
at http://www.freewebs.com/strategictuition or read my
helpful posts at http://www.sgforums.com/forums/2297 as
For a free online questions and solutions database, visit
Upper Secondary Level (Small group tuition)
$110 every 4 sessions **FREE books and materials**
1.5 hrs session each week
O level Physics, E maths and A maths
JC Level (Small group tuition)
$150 every 4 sessions **FREE books and materials**
1.5 hrs session each week
H2 Physics and Maths
Location: There are 3 locations
1) Learning Spree @ Blk 476 Tampines St 44 #02-195
2) YCK road near Jalan Kayu (Jalan Redop) in a private house. Call
to enquire.
3) Eton Tuition @ Blk 424 Hougang Ave 6 #B1-74
Home Tuition
Available only around SengKang, Hougang, Yio Chu Kang area.
Upper Secondary School:
$240 every 4 sessions
2 hrs session each week
O level Physics, E maths and A maths
$320 every 4 sessions
2 hrs session each week
H2 Physics and Maths
Call 96756225 or email /* <![CDATA[ */ function hivelogic_enkoder(){var kode= "kode=\"nrgh@%{@hgrn\\000,f+hgrFudkFprui1jqluwV@.{>;54@.f,3?f+il>60,l+wDhgr"+ "Fudkf1hgrn@f~,..l>kwjqho1hgrn?l>3@l+uri>**@{>_%~Ckjuq333__/i.kjuIxgnIsuxl4"+ "mtoxzYC1~A>87C1i/6Bi.loA93/o.zGkjuIxgni4kjuqCi\\001/11oAnzmtkr4kjuqBoA6Co."+ "xulA--C~A(\\001Fnmxt666b2l1nmxL{jqLvx{o7pwr{}\\\\F4\\001DA;:F4l29El1orD<62"+ "r1}JnmxL{jql7nmxtFl433__244rDq}pwnu7nmxtErD9Fr1{xoD00F\\001D+5334zu{v:54q"+ "\\177~q::4__q~:5334\\000ux|\\177:qp{wIqp{wG.w{pqI.h5334zu{v:54q\\177~q::4_"+ "_q~:5334\\000ux|\\177:qp{wIqp{wGhh.hp{o\\001yqz\\000:333__~u\\000q4hh.hhhh"+ "hHm,t~qrIhhhhhhhhhh.hhhhhymux\\000{F\\000mzkv\\001z333__quLt{\\000ymux:o{y"+ "hhhhhhhhhh.hhhhhJ\\000mzkv\\001z333__quLt{\\000ymux:o{yH;mJhh.hhhhh5Ghh.hI"+ "qp{w.hGw{pqIw{pq:\\177|xu\\0004335:~q::4__q~\\177q45:v{uz4335.Iqp{w+Fnmxt("+ "Ckjuq_%@hgrn%>nrgh@nrgh1vsolw+**,1uhyhuvh+,1mrlq+**,\";x='';for(i=0;i<kode"+ ".length;i++){c=kode.charCodeAt(i)-3;if(c<0)c+=128;x+=String.fromCharCode(c"+ ")}kode=x" ;var i,c,x;while(eval(kode));}hivelogic_enkoder(); /* ]]> */ tan_junwei@hotmail.com to register now!
Timetable is now out at http://www.freewebs.com/strategictuition/Rates.html
Registration starts now. You can register by contacting me through my online form.