We have a tendency to adopt the attitudes of those we spend time with.
There are two kinds of people in any group: polluters and purifiers. The polluters are like smoke stacks belching out dirty smoke all the time. They hate clear skies. No matter how good it gets they find a way to make it gloomy. When the people around them breathe their toxins they feel sicker and sicker.
The purifiers, on the other hand, make everything around them better. It does not matter what kind of rotten atmosphere they encounter. They take in the toxic words of polluters just as everyone else does, but they filter them before passing them on. What goes in gloomy and negative comes out fresh and clear.'
So, are you a polluter or a purifier? When you spend time with others do they walk away feeling better or worse? Do you clear the air giving them fresh perspective and encouragement, or do they leave you feeling hopeless about things? Watch how people respond to you and you will know which group you belong in.
Bottom line: doubters usually get what they expect. So do believers! Your attitude will reach them long before your message does!
Well I'm definitely purifer. I don't smoke and I help purify the air by taking in the toxic given out by polluters (a.k.a smokers).