Whoa... So many replies... Thanks bros!
On most photos, the camera's onboard exposure meter says it's mostly correct, some are +/- off. Turned out a little dark though, I admit.
Yup, I used the DIY light box with the link from Mirage. I'll try adding some white paper at the edges in the next shoot.
The side paper came with lines because I couldn't get one without lines, as the box is 16X16 inches.
Hexy, will focus on the steering wheel then.

Yes, I'm using same camera and lens as Hexy, but he's wayyyyy better than me

Actually, in some conditions, I actually think my previous camera, the Lumix FX7 is better than my EOS with this lens. The Leica lens seems "brighter" in dark conditions, as you only need 1 second of shutter time most of the time. Of course, you can change lenses on this camera.

Jasonist, actually, only the camera is the expensive one. The rest aren't really! (except for the car, let's not forget it)

Thanks all for kind and encouraging comments!