Are there any videos of chio bu(s) who get burned before?
Originally posted by MaNyZeR:Damn.. This video is sick and definitely not for the fainted hearted and dog lovers. Its as bad if not worse than the videos of the china peeps skinning dogs alive.
This poor dog was literally burn to death by this group of idiots whom started off with pouring kerosene on the poor dog, and lighting it up.
You can literally hear the dog scream for its life until its charred and dead. Even though the video is 54 seconds long, the dog die in less than 30 seconds.
May these idiotic bastardsbe strike down with lightning or be bedridden for the rest of their fucking lives.
Yah saw this vid yesterday in Facebook.
There's another vid where 2 guys threw a dog from a bridge. The pavement below it was about 4 storeys high and the dog went down with a "thud". And the dog starts to whine in pain...
farkin sick bastards
TS, maybe you could find some animal rights fanatics and show them the vid. Perhaps they'll commit resources to finding the killing the perpetrators
cruel shit
Originally posted by Kawac151:Such cruel assholes!!
How can they treat animals like that?! Maybe one day someone would set them into flames!!
Its not a mayb.Their punishment confirm now booked alr.Hope they suffer for the rest of their lives....I hope they wun die but mus suffer lik hardcore ke siao till their very last breah and see wat it's lik to feel being tortured lik tat....Then ony they will fucking realise wat they did to tat poor dog was real cruelty....
Talking about cruelty to dogs, that time i still young i saw a dog being knocked by a car on AYE near the clementi stadium that side. That dog was still alive when i was knocked, but its hind leg was broken and though its able to stand up, it struggled for movement. So this poor dog was in the middle of the expressway. I was on the overhead bridge nearby. Yet, I saw no cars stopping to help the poor dog. Every car was zooming pass that dog. When the dog eventually too painful to move about and started lying on the road, one car went over the dog. The dog immediately gave a loud cry. Then the second and third car follow suit by going over the dog. Luckily got some good samaritans whom saw this quickly called the police.
It was too much for me as a young boy to witness this, so i went away with my friend. Then we came back to the same spot 30 minutes later. And you know what?? The dog was dead. No police actually came. The dog suffered even more injury than when we first saw it. Furthermore, the interesting thing as when we say the dog initially it was at lane 2. Then when we came back later, it was at lane 4 or rather the lane next to the shoulder. The dog seems dragged by the cars over a distance, and it was confirmed dead.
Its sad. I have also seen people slamming cats against walls, all happening in singapore. Haiz......
dun worry, you can rest assure these perpetrators will pay for their crime either in this life or the next. they wont be able to run or hide from their crimes. not in the sky nor in the mountains where one is able to escape the effects of one's action.
This is the link to another video in which a bastard threw a dog off a bridge 12 metres down. Luckily and I dont know how, the dog survived. That bastard, maybe guilt ridden decided to hand himself over to the police.
what to do? I have already seen a few cats on the roads, intestines all knocked out, mine included. I have also banged a few birds while flying. Minced meat on the spot.