Originally posted by ms.anonymous:
i live in the East. so far i've yet to find pet shops selling those UVB lights that i mentioned. does anyone know if there is such shops in other areas?
my tortoise's shell is beginning to pyramid. i want to prevent that. prevention is better than cure right? thats why i need any of the UV lights mentioned asap.
I've seen those lights before but not sure where
If you need more help on where to buy go to
www.arofanatics.com Ask around there. Those people there practically live in the LFS
Err lack of calcium and vit D3 ><
If yours is a land tortise, feed it dark leafy veggies
Grind the cutterfish bone and dip the veggies in it before feeding it to your tortise
If it is an aquatic turtle, just throw the bone in. It will eat it on it's own