During my first meeting with my physically challenged students, I assured them that most people are handicapped in some way.
"Look at me," I said. "My eyes are so bad, I need to wear glasses.
Because I can barely hear, I need a hearing aid. And look at my
ears—they're much bigger than they should be."
From the back, a boy added, "And your nose too."
I dont really get it?
Originally posted by jayh272416:I dont really get it?
I will say it isn't that funny, but what it means is that one of the physically challenged students told the teacher/volunteer that his nose is also bigger than it should be.
This could imply that the teacher/volunteer digs his nose frequently.
i think its quite funny ma...
like using the head to bang on wall..
wah lau, not funny then dun comment la..
ple post to let u laugh, not to let u comment ma..
how ungrateful..
Funny wad haha..
The person suddenly "extra" haha XD
Im also wanna believe GIB would be like giggling and say yes...
My nose is bigger too...LOL!
ok.... lol...
the teacher lying ma thats why the nose so long
No, the boy meant that the teacher's nose is bigger then other peoples and it looks retarded.
Must be another one of those Anti-Semetic jokes about noses>LOL
*No effects.