A litte boy saw his grandfather smoking a cigar. The little boy went up to his grandfather and asked him, "Can I smoke a cigar too?" The grandfather looked at him and asked, "Is your dick long enough to reach your ass?" The little boy responded with a no. The grandfather then said, "When it is, you can smoke a cigar."
A few days later, the little boy sees his grandfather chugging down a beer. The little boy asks, "Can I drink a beer too?" The grandfather replies with the same thing, "Is your dick long enough to reach your ass?" The little boy once again says no, and the grandfather told him, "Well when it is, you can drink a beer."
A little while later the boy decides to play a video game. The grandfather comes up to him and says, "Hey can I play your video game too?" The little boy looks up to him and asks, "Is your dick long enough to reach your ass?"
The grandfather looks surprised for a little while, then answers, "Why yes it is."
The little boy then says, "Well then. Go fuck yourself."
Clever boy.
nice one
haha nice one
Old but still...
I wana join the smileys.
it's different...
wah laus, teach small kids bad things!
:D haa.