Little Johnny cam home from school with a few questions to ask his mom.
"Mommy, I heard two words today. Can you tell me what they mean" He asked.
"Sure honey, what are these words" his mothre replied.
"Bitch and Pussy" Johnny said.
Mom was shocked and didn't know what to say , so like a typical woman , she made something up.
"Um .... Bitch is a word for a female dog and pussy is a word for a cat." his mother said.
Little Johnny knew she wasn't telling the truth , so he asked his father when he got home,
"Daddy , what does bitch and pussy mean."Johnny asked.
Dad knew exactly what to do. He grabbed a marker and an old porn magazine and circled the pussy on the centerfold.
"That is pussy , Johnny" his Dad said kindly.
"Then what is bitch Daddy" Asked Johnny
"That's simple son" Dad laughed "Bitch is anything outside the circle."
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