Two Navy officers were stranded on an island after their ship capsized during a war, as both of them still held on strong to their hope and dreams, they decide to survive, long enough till they are rescued.
Moving into the jungle to find food and water, they were capture by cannibals living on that island, and soon, the two strong men find themselves locked up in a cage, made out of wood. They spend an uncomfortable night in the wooden cell.
Early next morning, the head chief ordered one of them out, and gave him a choice:
1:Extreme Pain
In the Navy for such a long time, the man choose 1, thinking that a little pain is nothing compared to unfulfilled dreams, and by staying alive no matter what the odds are, there is still a chance to escape. Upon declaring his choice, four cannibals lift him up, each at one of his limbs, spread his legs out, and slam his nuts full force into an insanely strong tree and sent him back to the cage. Back in the cell, the second man saw the first one clutching his nuts and grimacing in pain and demand to know what happen. Soon after storytelling, he was called out.
Before the head chief could say anything, he said with a heavy heart, knowing well in his heart that any unfulfilled dreams is not worth the sacrifice, and 1 is indeed worser than death: "I choose 2!"
To which the head chief reply with a grin: "Give him 1 until he die."
ok nice
not bad for a first timer.
still funny ^^