A guy walks into a doctor's office and stutters, "Da-da-doc, I've ba-ba
been sta-sta-stuttering for ye-ye-years, and I ca-ca-can't stand it
anymo-mo-more! Can you he-he-help me?"
The doctor answers "Well, I'll have to give you a thorough examination
first, but in some cases there is a cure." So the doctor puts the guy
through a battery of tests, and says, "I think I know what's causing
your stuttering."
The guy excitedly asks, "Well, wa-wa-what is it, da-da-doctor?"
"It's your penis," replied the doctor. "I know that sounds crazy, but
you have an unusually large penis - it's almost two feet long. It seems
the weight is putting a strain on your vocal cords which most men never
have to deal with."
The guy asks, "Wa-wa-what can we da-da-do?"
"Well, we could remove it and transplant a shorter one." "
Dddd...Do it!" the guy replies.
So they go through the operation, and three weeks later the guy comes
in for a follow up appointment. He says, "Doc, you solved my stuttering
problem. I don't know how to thank you. But I've only had sex once in
three weeks - my wife just doesn't like it anymore with my new, shorter
penis. I've thought about it, and I decided I can put up with the
stuttering easier than going without the sex - I want you to put my
long one back on."
The doctor says, "Nnnnno-no-nope. A da-da-deal's a da-da-deal!"