One day, a duck went into a bar and ask the bar tender... " you got any grapes?" The bar tender replied "No, we do not sell any grapes" and the duck thanked the bar tender and left.
The next day, the duck went into the bar and asked the bar tender " got any grapes?" The bar tender replied "NO! WE DO NOT HAVE ANY GRAPES AND WILL NEVER HAVE ANY GRAPES TO SELL" Once again, the duck thanked and left.
The next day, the duck went into the bar again, but before it could say anything, the bar tender shouted " HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU THAT WE DO NOT HAVE ANY ANY GRAPES? If you still want grapes, I am going to nail your beak onto the table!"
The duck replied " got any nails?"
The bar tender shounted back "NO"
Then the duck smiled and asked. " GOT ANY GRAPES?"
sibei GL but
what bear?
another joke murdered by bad story telling...
sorry. nail ur beak.
Really GL
Annoying duck.
Sound like The Bangala VS 2AH Beng le (the pok de)